Guardian vs. Templar

Discussion in 'Templar' started by ARCHIVED-BBtrenoble, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-BBtrenoble Guest

    It sounds to me you have your heart set on Guardian.

    First of all if you WANT to play guardian... DO IT! The last thing you want is to dedicate all that time and effort into a templar and then at level 40 you say "Gee, I wish I was in tht fight". I love being a Cleric and I'll never regret it, but that's because I like keeping my tanks alive.

    Second thing is, just because there are a ton of tanks doesn't mean they know how to tank! I'm so tired of grouping with some newbie fighter who doesn't know how to agro and I end up burning half my power keeping myself alive. Trust me, most parties duel tank and if you know how to tank vs. "Tank Joe, I don't know" you'll become the main tank and the one I"m keeping alive :)
    Plus there is a lot of communication in this game and if you prove your skills as an awesome tank in parties, you're bound to make it on some friends list, including mine.