Guardian PVP update

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Daalilama, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    Does anyone have the % to healing recieved that the devs were plaing on adding to the guardian's hunkered down ability...still having issues with the patcher crashing to desktop for beta bug?
  2. acoloss Active Member

    the spell "hunker down" that roots?

    if so, it has no mention of the heal in the master spell, unless it's added by aa..

    just checked again.. misread.. 15% extra healing received.. i thought it actually healed them..
  3. Luanne Active Member

    Guardians are absolute beast in pvp, they reduce damage done to the group by a lot, and have insane taunts. They just do laughable dps and have no self survivability unless it's against melee only. I love guards :> WTB someone that actually wants to play one in pvp (and can do so with effectiveness)
  4. Estred Well-Known Member

    Does it matter if one can... but rarely PvPs? :rolleyes:
  5. acoloss Active Member

    a tank doesn't need to dps to be a beast.. Broncas did like 300dps, but was one of the best guardians to ever play.. because he did his job
    (talking about group pvp)
    Ajjantis likes this.
  6. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    TBH imo I run my decent geared guard in bg's and occasionally open pvp if asked...and unless you run with a stacked premade or get lucky on the dice rolls for BG group setup (gears/x2 and not often but many x4's) tend to be healer shy that 15% will be absolutely meaningless and we are not even going to start to discuss the problems of being solo and jumped...nice thought giving that to them but in pvp as will all things this idea was not thought out at all.