Guardian beatdown repeat from DoF with LU47

Discussion in 'Guardian' started by ARCHIVED-Rastod, Jul 31, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Rastod Guest

    About 2 yearsish ago SOE made guardians useless with changes in DOF. I left went to WoW didn't feel it came back and got back into raiding and it seemed things had leveled back out.
    I log on today and see that i have lost 8% mit and 6% avoidance.
    My guild JUST beat druushk 2 weeks ago and last week put her down pretty soundly again. (3rd attempt)
    We have may great progress on Nexona. and probably going to see her drop... wait
    Drusshk double taps are going to eat me alive again. Oh look SoE decided to not change one thing pretty big (my epic) they also hit up my shields. It also seems mit was lowered on a few other pieces that I had just happened to be wearing. I busted my hump to farm for these items and farming harvest for days to pay for adorns. For what now? Second rate stuff I would have never wasted on items with the current numbers.
    We bust our humps to farm gear so we can raid and beat progress. I understand a adjustment here and there but to hit us that hard at once what do you think its going to do to our progress? Do you think I am going to be able to play and keep competing at that level after such a hit in my abilities? Guardians struggle to tank VP level mobs and hold agro as is and you making it so we have to give up more agro generation to replace that lost mit/avoid?
    This is the flaw in MMO games is developers unleash so much at once and even with "test server" still manage to ruin the game for players.
    Be realistic and adjust things slightly in small increments.
    This is reasons why folks get feed up and quit games. I am posting everywhere I can in hope it will make a difference but at this point its looking like SOE could be loosing the money my family pays to play.
  2. ARCHIVED-shaunfletcher Guest

    Noone is going to ever choose any other tank class over Guardian for raiding, so what are you worried about exactly? Your enormous advantage over other tank classes possibly being eroded slightly?
  3. ARCHIVED-therodge Guest

    you have come to the wrong place for sympathy, as a guardian you wont get anything better then an fu, *hands u a flame sheild) GL
  4. ARCHIVED-Evette23 Guest

    Not exactly sure what nerfs you're talking about, cuz I haven't logged onto my guardian in a couple weeks. But if they changed the shields like I heard they were going to, that's not a guardian nerf. Other classes use those shields too. I do think the guardian mythical epic nerf is lame and unnecissary though.
  5. ARCHIVED-Antipaladin Guest

    Yes, a reduction in dmg absorbance on mythical weapon. Go delete your guards everyone, sky is falling.
  6. ARCHIVED-Evette23 Guest

  7. ARCHIVED-Devout Disciple Guest

    Although I don't honestly feel simpathetic to a guardian, brawler, or dps I will respond here whether liked or not.
    Games like these are currently awarding the DPS by the devs of these games. We're never going to feel like we last as long in defense to a MOB as the DPS feels powerful of taking down the MOB so quickly. The company that figures this out in its game design is going to have a fun game for those players. Either that or the concept of tanking needs to dissapear.
    Nothing can compare to what us shadowknights face though. DoF was an absolute tragedy for the crusader all around though.
    I just think SOE hates tanks or the players that play them and are moving towards a NGE scenario bit by bit. When I say that I mean an exodus of subscribers. It's the only scenario I've reached since I feel dead/souless/like dirt when logging in now on the SK and people not wanting SKs.
    Devs of MMOs need to stop nerfing for the top geared players of the game and actually realize there are other customers playing the game. I don't expect that to happen when the page of eq2 players was more concerned about showing epic moments than showcasing anything else.
  8. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    Devout Disciple wrote:
    If you're talking strictly of raids, you (might) have a point.
    If you're talking about group content, then I'm sorry, but SKs do just fine tanking heroic group content.
  9. ARCHIVED-RanmaBoyType Guest

    agree with a few posters.

    the shields reflect everyone, not just guardians.

    the change to the guardian myth. come on be realistic. saying your myth was not overpowered is just like swashies saying reach was not overpowered in pvp. /god mode off please.

    And agree, my Sk has no issues in group content. However raid targets hurt bad. real bad.
  10. ARCHIVED-zormik Guest

    lol, man, seriously, if there's one class that's op in this game it's the guardian lol!
  11. ARCHIVED-victer Guest

    Rastod wrote:

    you sir need to go back and play WOW
  12. ARCHIVED-Amana Guest

    Flaye@Mistmoore wrote:
    Actually even with group content we are moving towards that harder end scenario stuff. My Shadowknight has probably 1 maybe 2 pieces of raid gear with the rest being rewarded from quests or bought from the broker. His avoidance tops out at 50% and his mitigation with despoiling mist T7 master I can reach to 60-61%. However I go down like a stone thrown into a pond with the mobs in RE2. Even the regular even con ^^^ have double attacked me to 10% health then died to them.
    Heck I still have a 75-80% chance of dieing to Drusella even with raid geared raid knowledgeable people backing me up.
    Shadowknights really get the poo end of the stick to put it bluntly. Shadowknights don't bring anything useful to a raid PERIOD and people need to stop making stuff up. "O we can dps we're great dps tanks" that's a load of crap if I ever heard it. I've seen people have 2-3 extra slots in raids and they absolutely refuse to have a shadowknight in it. They'll wait and make sure to get 1-2 extra assassins, a wizard or even a warlock.
    The core issue of the Shadowknight has not been addressed and I don't see it being addressed any time soon. As for our o so "Boost" to our epic weapon bravo *claps hands* bravo now we're just crap instead of "Completely Crap".
    Going back to group content ya I don't see Shadowknights doing anything except filling spots and being utility to bebuff a mob just a tiny bit.
  13. ARCHIVED-deathtoyou5 Guest

    if you play on bazaar server then contact vertaunt he willl teach how to become a guardian. (and no not my toon)
  14. ARCHIVED-Killerbee3000 Guest

    Amana wrote:
    every fighter class can tank every heroic content in rok in mc with a single healer (exception being x2 in re2 which has a tad more requirements), besides, a sk actually tanked avatar of flame on runnyeye (ok, that one wasnt exactly in mc gear) then surely a sligthly nerfed guardian can still tank just fine.
  15. ARCHIVED-Shammydavis Guest

    All I have to say is yes we guards are overpowered and with good reason we have to get hit more than any other class and live while 23 others are kicking said mobs butt. It is all about surivability and if your mt can't then you will never progress in t8.
    We have a sk as main ot and he owns idk but he might just be better than most sk's he can tank anything I can including vp and he dosen't have any vp loot at all.
    I think that if your not able to tank a zone and your mt has some vp loot then you need to look for another mt as he isn't doing his job or dosen't understand his/her CA's I have 4 masters and can hit 5-6k parse and thats in deffencive stance true I have good gear but most isn't from vp.
    If your stuck then go to hate and dont kill names farm trash everyday for like 2 weeks then watch your dps and mt own.
    As for the nerfs the shield is crap now useless and the 5% loss sucks but if your main temp/inquizzy have shield ally then it is so minor that we shouldn't even talk about it as I didn't even notice a diffrence.
  16. ARCHIVED-Windowlicker Guest

    The Guard is super overpowered compared to what it should be. If this change bothers you, you might want to stop looking at patch notes. Future patches will only lower it's DPS more, and if we're really lucky .. maybe the survivability won't be touched.
  17. ARCHIVED-Deathmate Guest

    i always thought it would be cool if palys and SKs had a spell that made them stronger for ever good/evil class they had in their group. Stronger as in maybe their buffs .... or CAs ....or spells do more
  18. ARCHIVED-woolf2k Guest

    Rastod wrote:
    Proof read your post please.I have no idea what your talking about...
  19. ARCHIVED-Amise Guest

    Shammydavis wrote:
    Uhm, I think you have that round the wrong way. As in, you're getting hit more than any other class during raids because no other tank class can compare to a guardian's raid-tanking ability.

    Back on topic, making changes to two items which some members of class A happen to use doesn't make class A broken.
  20. ARCHIVED-Meirril Guest

    Shammydavis wrote:
    5 of those other 24 classes wouldn't mind if you took the OT role and let someone else MT for an expansion or two. Yes, guardians were always inteneded to be the "best" tanks but the others should be able to compete. Right now the deck is definately slanted in the guardian's favor. Honestly, for lots of little reasons the guardians have grown out of their intened role (best survivalbility with taunts to hold agro) and I think there will be an attempt to put them back into it. Call it a nerf if you like, I'll call it reballance.
    As for the gear, I seriously doubt a single peice of it lists only Guardian on its usable class list. If you want to look at all the changes, crusaders got the biggest non-mythical nerf when the Green Dragon Shield lost over 200 protection. Yeah, some guardians used a kite shield because it was the second best shield in the game. Though, if they chose to use a kite shield it ment they lost their class ability to stoneskin themselves and the benifits of the buckler AA line. Yeah, they could use the kite shield if they have their mythical.