Group Queue Bug

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-Gaarysal, Jul 25, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gaarysal Guest

    Last night every single time we tried to queue as a group it did not work. We all received the popup but clicking accept only put the leader into a BG, the others were just removed from queue. I couldn't find any way to prevent this from happening and it happened everytime.
  2. ARCHIVED-Twyxx Guest

    Gaarysal@Permafrost wrote:
    Yeah, happened when I tried it as well. Are we not intended to be able to group together anymore or is this a bug?
  3. ARCHIVED-Blayug Guest

    This only happens to me if I queue from within Champions Respite.
    If you zone out of Champions respite then group up and join as a group it will work when the window to join pops up.
    This is very annoying because after each match you end up in champions respite and have to zone out, group up and enter the warfront.
  4. ARCHIVED-Gaarysal Guest

    Cuddlewards@Unrest_old wrote:
    We tried to do it outside but didn't even get into a match which made no sense because they were practically instant while inside CR.
  5. ARCHIVED-Boshag Guest

    This bug has been around for a while, really needs fixed!
  6. ARCHIVED-Xzerius Guest

    EXTREMELY ANNOYING !! Especially when you have a nice guild group set up and you get tossed into some pickup without a single healer or tank. Tried to Que up a group today with only three of us and we couldnt even succeed with that either.