Ground mounts "flyable"...

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by GrouchyMouse, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. GrouchyMouse Active Member

    Before I get told it can't be done, there is precedence in-game: Loping Plains has the nightmares, horses that run through the air.

    What if...IF...there was an in-game way to make a ground mount run through the air? How could it be done? Why not set up Loping Plains with a magical potion you feed your mount and they're either permanently flyable OR it's a 12 hr limit. No crashing down harshly but a slow glide to the ground when it's done. OR say that someone who was in Somborn, got a copy of the recipe and now has adventurers go into and do whatever (probably traipse through the castle at level) to the items to make it.

    Make it an involved quest for the first one, but any afterwards are an amount of plat per mount you want to run thru the air.
  2. Emissary Vex Active Member

    Like many people, I'm surprised they haven't already turn more of the mounts into flying mounts; such as the disks, clouds, and some others. I would certainty like to see that done.

    As for "auto-mounts" in zones like loping plains and lavastorm; id rather they replaced them with pegasus or flying carpets. I personally do not want to see any random mount flying. I already dislike the meatbeast mounts; and the idea of flying meatbeast would make me cringe. It would honestly bother me enough to consider quitting over.
  3. Lygerr Active Member

    i've mentioned it before, ground mounts are obsolete for most practical purposes once you are of level to use a flying mount. some may run fast but by air is always going to be faster.

    BUT flying mounts give incentives to reach the levels to use them and keep people playing, that is the way MMOs work.

    and there is already pegasus flying mounts..
  4. Pixilicious Well-Known Member

    I would love to see my pink meatbeast fly actually ! :) lol <3
  5. Tesshin Member

    I rather like the idea of my misty unicorn soaring through the air, actually.
  6. Venomizer Member

    the biggest problem with mount flexibility atm is that there is no parity between flying and ground stat mounts. which means you cannot use the type of appearance you want unless it happens to also be of the same type as the best that drops.

    there are advantages and disadvantages of both types (not even getting into leaper/glider), but i feel this is a major oversight when you have appearance mounts sold for thousands of SC.

    so i can take the mount i like appearance for (32cc 7 pot/cb), but if my raid dies (which they always do from time to time) i will be left wondering if we would have lived if id had 28cc 8pot/8cb. when it comes to others fun and success i find it hard to justify a cosmetic treat for myself, even at a cost of 1pot/1cb.

    1. make best mounts of both types of identical quality or
    2. disassociate mount type from stat mount slot and move mount type onto appearance slot

    #2 would be the best fix imo. let appearance type dictate which type of movement the mount can perform. let 2nd slot be solely for stats.

    i would argue that movement type is more cosmetic than functional. you dont need stats when you are flying/moving/etc. you are traveling not fighting. and the immersion purists would also say the same thing. IF a mount should fly is based on its appearance, not its stats.
  7. Vordreth Member

    If it doesn't have wings, or isn't something like a carpet, cloud, or tinkered machine, it should stay firmly planted on the ground. Just because they chose to use flying horses in LP and LS doesn't make it any less stupid looking. Seeing them flying everywhere would only look like the players figured out some hidden dev console command.
    Deveryn likes this.
  8. Muris New Member

    Someone better tell the 4 Horsemen then about their flying mounts, but I ain't going to be the one to volunteer!
  9. Cloudrat Well-Known Member

    Everyone has their own tastes as to what looks stupid, I shall be nice and not list all the things I think look stupid in this world.
    Allowing people to choose their appearance mount is definately in my list top ten of things I would like to see. The glider squirrel already looks like it is flying and I would love that to be the appearance for all my rats except the cloudrats:) I have several beautiful steeds I would love to sail through the air like the loping plains horses.

    There have been numerous threads begging for this and I hope this time they hear us:)
  10. murmur Member

    at some point (one year ago or something) there was possibility to use a ground mount as an appearance for a flying mount. but if you used anything else than cloud/disc/carpet it just looked silly, as your horse wasn't doing any movement while in air and your toon was standing still in air above it's horse. I figured that it was a bug, but I still got to enjoy flying on my black cloud for a few months before it got fixed :)
  11. Tabri Well-Known Member

    My favorite mounts in the game are the glider squirrels but I hate gliding plus I cant afford to forget my stats on my flying mount in a raid by not re-equipping the stat mount if I change mounts. I would love for the gliders to at least be able to be put in the appearance slot or something, I would also like my Mark of the Awakened to show but oh well :)
  12. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    I love the glyph for Mark of the Awakened. I agree - I wish that could show.
  13. Griffon Lady Well-Known Member

    I know, right? :( I keep sending feedback that we need some way to attach the flying wings from our characters to old mounts. It just requires the anchor points to be added to the different mount types.
    And I reallllllly wish gliders could be used as flight appearance. I love the gliders too, but i don't like having to switch mounts when i want to fly. :\ And the gliding mount mechanic makes me motion sick. >.<