Grond Mounts!

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by LunarFlower, Oct 21, 2017.

  1. Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr Well-Known Member

    while I am unfamiliar with the DEVs coding burden (which yet remains a vague mystery)
    any set of problems can be categorized into two columns:

    I. Easy Fix (far less time/effort to resolve than item II.)
    II. Long, Complicated Fix.

    It seems to me it would benefit everyone to have a portable fusion reactor for unlimited power to keep warm in the winter.
    but is WAAAAAY easier, and WAAAY faster to hand the homeless a free wool blanket to keep warm.
    Both would serve;
    so the time is better spent, and gives greater impression of work/care/progress/etc. when many little fixes are accomplished,
    then one LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG (and vague) project that is (supposedly) being worked on.
    Breanna likes this.