Great staff of the sun serpant

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Squigglle, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Squigglle Guest

    where can i get this thing, i saw it today and about passed out by amazment. any idea? or is there any staffs that a lvl 46 wizard can use that glow?
  2. ARCHIVED-Jalek Guest

    It was a promotional /claim item for taking part in a survey.
  3. ARCHIVED-Squigglle Guest

    dang :( any lvl 46 and below glowing ones? i saw onetoday called prismatic rod of the scale orsomething
  4. ARCHIVED-Jalek Guest

    Prismatic rod of the scale is the original epic quest requiring a number of raids. Very good story and good weapon until you get grizzfazzles/Godking weapon in higher tiers.
  5. ARCHIVED-Squigglle Guest

    [p]got a link to a guide?[/p]