Good place to take a screenshot?

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by ARCHIVED-Bladh, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Bladh Guest

    I've got an Arasai with black wings, and I can't find a good place to take a picture with a brighter background so I can crop her out of the background and put just her in a sig. I know you can take a pic of the paper doll, but thats a really dark blue...and its extremely hard to crop a black wing out of a dark blue background :p

    So...any suggestions? any light color will do...white, yellow, orange, red, lime green, etc. a solid color would be best.

  2. ARCHIVED-Kethaera Guest

    Bladh wrote:
    Any place that you can stand up on something in the landscape that is tall and pull the camera back so that you have daytime sky behind you should work, like that tall rock in the middle of the water in Commonlands (going blank on the name). Equip two torches so that your character is as well lit as possible, and crank your graphics up as much as you can. Both of those tips should help you get more definition on dark areas.

    For my good characters, I often stand against the light grey stone wall of Qeynos.
  3. ARCHIVED-greyfox Guest

    lucan's mount??
  4. ARCHIVED-Laladini_Asrai Guest

    I like going to the sinking sands docks during the day. :)
  5. ARCHIVED-Bladh Guest

    cool, thanks for the ideas guys :)
  6. ARCHIVED-VIet4ever Guest

    barren sky, it's always daytime
  7. ARCHIVED-foozlesprite Guest

    I've recently started taking pics in Kylong Plains near the docks, to the left where there are no drachnids (so any level toon can get there fine). Haven't made a new sig since then but if you turn the ocean graphics down, stand on the rock, and get a good angle, there should be nothing but pure blue sky behind you. Great lighting during daytime too.