Gear Swap Macro

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Occam, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. Occam Well-Known Member

    There is another (very informative) thread in this forum about macros that was recently closed by the mods.
    I've got a question though, so I'm starting a new thread.

    Basically, I want a macro that will equip all my tradeskilling equipment in one shot,
    but it doesn't seem to work right if I use two items of the same equipment type.
    For example, if I try to add two TS ear pieces, it tries equipping them both in the same ear slot (item 11 in this case).
    I end up with one only one TS earring because it puts the first in item slot 11, then immediately puts the second in the same spot.
    This is the same for wrist, finger, and charm slots.

    Does anyone know of a way to make one of them go into the OTHER slot of that type?
    Eg; one ear piece to item slot 11 and the other to item slot 12.
    This would also be useful in raids with mobs like Matri Marn where you need to remove all AE proc gear. :)
  2. Gudum Active Member

    When you are creating the macro, there should be a box giving the option of "Left Ear" and "Right Ear", so you can choose which ear a particular piece goes onto. There are similar options for the charm, finger, and wrist items. Easiest way to create the macro is to put on all the armor so you can find it easily, then drag each piece into the macro edit window.

    If you want to un-equip specific items, use the "inventory unequip x" command, where "x" is a number from 1 through 21 specifying the specific equipment slots. There is a similar command for the appearance slots, but off hand I don't recall what it is.
    Occam likes this.
  3. Sambril Well-Known Member

    For appearance items you can use:

    /unequip_appearance <slot>

    where <slot> is one of:

    head, cloak, chest, shoulders, forearms, hands, legs, feet, ranged, primary, secondary
    Occam likes this.
  4. Occam Well-Known Member

    Weird, I don't have those options. I'm using DrumsUI but in looking at I can see that it SHOULD be there. I'll try tinkering with it to see if I can get them to show up correctly. Thanks, Gudum. :)