Game Update #37: Tradeskilling Preview

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Calthine, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Devilsbane Guest

    [p]There are ways Domino, trust me there are ways. Although, those ways usually require cat naps (dirt naps). 8)[/p][p]Oh can not forget that niffy Call of Hero spell! [/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Iisbliss Guest

    No, in real life I hate clutter and don't buy stuff I don't need = ) However, my EQ1 character still has her manastone, her boxes of Abu'Kabar, and her full set of Fear Gear = )
  3. ARCHIVED-Magnamundian Guest

    There are five different types?? I've come across Stones, Flowers, Fish Scales and Tooths before now... what's the fifth? (quick! before they take it out of the game!) Oh and will existing items be converted into one new item? (and what will that be called) or will existing items continue alongside the new replacement item?
  4. ARCHIVED-VolgaDark Guest

    Vonotar@Butcherblock wrote:
    [p]I hope the fifth one is the imbuing powder/dust from pre LU24. [/p]
  5. ARCHIVED-Iisbliss Guest

    Yep, cause I still have some of those too !!
  6. ARCHIVED-KindredHeart Guest

    [p]Well in real life you keep certain momentos to remind you of special moments. The same is true in the game for some people. This sometimes leads to people keeping their starting tunic...the sword they had when they were raiding X mob...or the first widget they crafted. Over time, this leads to a substantial lack of bank space and a need for more alt mules.[/p][p]My husband is the complete opposite, he's the kind of guy who approaches the game with the attitude, "if it's been in my bank for a week I clearly don't need it." So he sells everything he gets, and much to my repeated dismay - he often sells them to NPC vendors just because he "doesn't want to be bothered". One day I almost fainted when I happened to look over and saw him sell a master to an NPC.[/p][p]Pack rats can't understand minimalists, and minimalists can't understand pack rats. It's just the way things go I guess.[/p]
  7. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Vonotar@Butcherblock wrote:
    As I said earlier, my fact checking gnome missed that. There are four.
  8. ARCHIVED-Bithnar Guest

    Thats nothing I found a vial of Woad Ink on one of my toons . . . and I can't remember the teir its used for or if it can be used as a rare replacement anymore
  9. ARCHIVED-juliatha Guest

    [p][size="small"][face="andale mono,times"]I have a suggestion for revamping the Provisioner TS and I hope you all in the powers-that-be seats will please take this seriously. Food is bought and consumed IN QUANTITY which makes it different from any other TS except maybe making ammo. Yet each recipe, which takes anywhere from 30 to 45 seconds to complete, makes 1 to 2 servings at a time. It takes us HOURS, (as in MANY), each week to make enough food for our guilds and to sell to support ourselves in this game. I love being a Provisioner and don't want to change skills but I am getting really frustrated with the game time this is taking. I do not get to go out and play with my guildies as much I need to because I am forever at that stove. I think there should be a reward/incentive built into the yields as you lvl up. The yield could be 2 to 3 pieces at lvl 20; 3 to 4 pieces at lvl 30; 4 to5 pieces at lvl 40; 5 to 6 at lvl 50; etc. This is not too much to ask - it still would not flood the market with food, yet it would make the time spent crafting more reasonable. Food is made and sold in stacks of at least 10 at a time and it needs to be thought of differently, compared to the other TS's. Also, could there be just a little TS XP when crafting the lower lvl foods? I lvl up very slowly because I no longer get any XP when making lvl 10, 20 and 30 food and I make those a lot for my guild. And, yes, I do use the available charms and harvesting tools while crafting. Thanks for your time and ears - I am a lvl 46 Provisioner but as things stand, I would never choose this profession again for a new toon. [/face][/size][/p]
  10. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    You should probably put this into the "Suggestions" thread stickied above instead... Especially since you already have a thread going about it.
  11. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    As stated in your other post about this subject. I think you are being expected to make too much for your guild. Sending 2-3 minutes to make 10 hours of food/drink is nothing compared to woodworkers (the other class that primarily makes expendible goods).
  12. ARCHIVED-Catsy Guest

    Add me to the list of people who thinks this is a spectacularly horrible idea. It's already hard enough for Provisioners to all find the ingredients they need without wasting hours getting unusable stuff off the same nodes that sell for coppers. Den nodes are already among the worst about this, since even if we get meat we still have a 50/50 chance of getting the kind of meat we need. Why should we be punished for having a higher harvesting skill by making it harder for us to get raws we can actually use? Provisioners have absolutely no use for pelts. Please, please reconsider this awful change. Or better yet, implement a simple check against the player's class during harvesting that increases their chances of getting a raw that their TS class can use with higher skill levels. That would be a welcome way of implementing this change in a way that benefits everyone, instead of just a few classes.
  13. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Sotanyavejin@Guk wrote:
    Uh, that wouldn't main harvester is my L70 Warden who's also my Weaponsmith. He does all the harvesting for my crafters. So if that were implemented, he'd never get any meat from dens for my Provie. He'd not get loam from ore for my Alchemist and Jeweler. Since he doesn't use either raw from stones he'd probably not pull anything from there. Same for fish and shrubs, uses none of those. So, I'd lose my L70 as main harvester. I'd have to make my L57 Warden main harvester as she's a L9 Artisan (only for making HQ items like Stein of Moggok), and since Artisans use everything, that would make her the viable harvester. If it's based off TS a toon has, this would also cut adventurers out of harvesting as many of them aren't crafters at all. Save the ones who are like my L57, Artisans for making HQ items. They'd be able to pull raws from every node. Maybe I'm misreading, maybe I have it wrong, but I think that having it based on TS class would just cause more problems than fix.
  14. ARCHIVED-sliderhouserules Guest

    Sotanyavejin@Guk wrote:
    I find it *very* hard to believe that the meats aren't the raws selling for 1c on your server. You've checked the broker right? Every meat I've ever priced on the broker was selling for 1c, so I destroy every meat I ever get now. Pelts sell in the 10s of silvers range, in the upper few tiers.
  15. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Never, ever ever ever in two and a half years of playing this game has my provisioner ever had a problem getting her hands on meats from dens. Ever. Never ever.
  16. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    Unrest the T7 meats can get up to 50c !! ... pelts I have seen as much as 20s.
  17. ARCHIVED-xOnaton1 Guest

    woad ink, woad dye, octanoid reagent = T4 adept III or rare jewelry primary From I still have a lot of rare inks saved up since they can be substituted for any spell rare. Othesus - Dirge - Lucan DLere Vaspar - Fury - Lucan DLere
  18. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Try 20s for T7 meat. It was earlier this week until I got into an undercutting war with it. :D Last I looked they were almost a silver for one and below 10c for the other.
  19. ARCHIVED-CrypticFirefly Guest

    [p]Earlier I posted that I thought it was a bad idea to change the meat/pelt ratio as harvest skill goes up. But now that I think more about it, I'm in agreement in it. It is true that sometimes it can be pricey to buy meat, but it never is (at least on my server) as pricy as leather. Again, this is due to demand, more crafters need leather than need meat. Further, some tailor requires at least one leather for almost every recipe except the cloaks and dress outfits. But provisioner has plenty of recipes that don't call for meat. [/p][p] Actually ore/loam seems out of wack too.[/p]
  20. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    If meat is worthwhile to sell on the broker (i.e. not 1c for whatever tier), then more harvesters looking for hides will sell the meat instead of destroy it which will end up getting a semi-stable, lower price for meat. I really don't think provies have anything to fear by a change to the meat to hide ratio. As for loams and ore... more loam is needed by alchemists and tinkerers. The thing -I- think is rarer than hen's teeth, or at least rarer than their counterparts from the same node type, are loam rares and soft metal rares. In harvesting hours and hours for my tinkering (T2), I have gotten nearly twice as many stacks of ore than loam (and I -neeeed- loam) and 3 jasper, 7 blackened iron, 0 silver, 0 alkaline loam. I know silver and alkaline exist, I've gotten them before on random pulls in the past, but... in this several days endeavor of harvesting they're the ones totally missing and I have never gotten multiples in a day or across several days of either. In my rare storage, too, I have far far more ore and gem rares than soft metal and loam.