Game Over, PvP Nagafen

Discussion in 'PvP & Battlegrounds' started by Creasote, Mar 2, 2014.

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  1. Siren Well-Known Member

    You know, I actually thought of that, too. Other MMOs will do that for certain factions if an open PvP server is unbalanced-- have an incentive double XP buff, and sometimes even free gear that comes into the mail, anything to entice players to play there.

    It's rather surprising with all the AA pots and Heroic L85s they could be selling there that SOE doesn't make more of a concentrated effort to get players back onto Nagafen again.
  2. Mowse Well-Known Member

    What I miss about the old pvp days was the tension, the anticipation, worry.. whatever you want to call it. While Questing you had to look behind you... ahead of you all the time. Odd as it may sound, I look back at how many times i would get ganked and have to revive to get back and finsh the quest. Sort of like being killed by an NPC... but not REALLY. The game now is huge. And leveling is easy mode. No one is in the open. I can go to a zone and be the only Q there. All tiers. People prefer to level in BGs. "Great AA experience".
    BG's and now the New Warzone are very disappointing. Unless you totally enjoy nothing but fighting and dying , fighting and dying. Revive, fight , die. The spirit of the game is gone. I remember how hard and long it use to take to level. You had to go out and quest. I suppose good things must come to an end.
    As a member of a PVP server, I cannot go back to a PVE server. It feels pointless after having that extra tension of PVP. PVE players feel BG and possibly the new warzone is PVP. I still contend it is Not anywhere near close to true PVP.. wish i could express self better, other than saying for PVE , PVP is a hobby. Not a daily game style.
    After 9 years or so of EQ2, most of that on Venekor and Nagafen, I feel the end of my game coming up. I have resisted and hoped, but...
    End battlegrounds access on Nagafen. ( I do enjoy Warfields though)
    Slant, Siren, Fetish and 1 other person like this.
  3. Exur Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to once again point out the number one reason why your Open World PvP is dead on Nagafen. You can lead the charge to remove BGs from Nagafen all you want, it won't resolve the fundamental reason why Open World PvP is dead.

    The game has evolved to promote ease of PvE play to help sustain it's PvE population. Nagafen is a PvE server first, with PvP enabled. You don't quest to gain levels anymore and you don't quest to gain AA anymore. Once you can accept this, you can appreciate what once was and make the best of what is. This PvE game can never go back... so nor can it's PvP.

    I'm all for adding BG type stuff to Nagafen to incite players to venture out, but don't kid yourself in thinking you're getting your old Nagafen back. It's done cause there is no PvE reason to be in a zone for more then 1-3 days it's released. Those 1-3 days on Nagafen right now are nothing short of amazing PvP fun... just like old times. But if they don't last in PvE they can't last in PvP. Everything PvE is accomplished in instances now... so now your PvP is forced to go into instances (BG) to find action too.

  4. Fetish Well-Known Member

    Well...that could, and arguably should, be changed.
  5. Exur Well-Known Member

    Until the PvE community demands it, nothing will change. And sadly, they like it the way it is. You should see them erupt on EQNext forums when I push for "Contested Everything." ... haha, oh the tears and cap-locks.
    Fetish likes this.
  6. Estred Well-Known Member

    If you're using a different name I may have missed it but I know the Landmark community or at least 3-5 members of that community have been pretty open about discussing PvP. That included a pair of middle-grounders, a PvP-FFA Fan and even a pure PvE "keep dat pvp away" type player.

    Some really interesting systems have been discussed by the players.
  7. Exur Well-Known Member

    Was on the Landmark forums and I only lasted a couple days before I started sounding like a broken record. Some people are so dead set against it... even when they know it's a server choice. WoW or some other game must have really messed with PvEer when adjusting PvP at some point. I can't understand why else they would have this mindset.
  8. Luanne Active Member

    IMO the best MMO's do not separate pve and pvp at all except in a few circumstances.
    Those few exceptions are
    a) durations of cc on a npc vs a pc
    b) if hard mode raid gear isn't available on pvp merchant, then there should be a RAID ONLY stat on the gear
    like crit mit, or raid boss dmg reduction/or additional dmg that only works against raid tagged NPC

    Most MMOs do it backwards and introduce a PVP only stat, which is the wrong way to do it, the correct way is a raid only stat. This prevents raiding in pvp gear , and pvping in raid gear, but all other gear is game.

    Other than those exceptions, PVE and PVP should be exactly the same. I hope they take this approach in EQNext, and I would hope they could take this approach in the next EQ2 expansion.

    Aside from these things, there needs to be a drive for PVP besides farming tokens. Reasons for actually PVPing, which doesn't mean BG, it means taking over enemy encampments, holding on to bases, doing pvp related questlines which don't involve killing players but taking over areas (buildings, camps, etc), or killing enemy PVP bosses like raid npcs flagged for pvp in enemy zones.

    I haven't been playing lately, and I'm not sure I plan on playing much until things have changed, maybe the next expansion or major update.
    Fetish, TS (Throat) and Siren like this.
  9. Slant Well-Known Member

    1 step change that would make a drastic impact on this. No AA slider on Naggy. Let people have their easy leveling, then make them quest/named hunt for the AA. Drastic? probably not drastic enough, but its a big step in the right direction.
    Siren likes this.
  10. Siren Well-Known Member

    In before every L39 locked twink left on Nagafen descends upon you in a frothing rage!

    But I love this idea. It would get people out on the landscapes for that first kill of every wandering boss (of which there are tons, believe me I know because I've been soloing them in between harvesting nodes for a good couple months now on Nagafen; that's all there is to do).

    Or alternatively (if your idea is too programming-intensive and SOE won't do it, or the slider is one of the main reasons golds stay gold and SOE still won't do it), then not allowing the AA slider to go all the way to the right (all AAs, no XP) and getting rid of the ability to disable XP gain would help retain new players as well. Maybe let golds slide it to 90% max but that's it. Sooner or later (and much sooner in the low levels) twinks would outgrow their gear and spells and be forced to be out on the landscapes leveling, instead of locked and ceasing to play the entire game. That would repopulate every zone in every tier right there.

    And of course, the whole "one-shot-dead" scenario where newbies can't even make a dent in the locked twinks has been a problem since the slider went in back in '05. We need a steady, new population for Nagafen to thrive.
  11. Slant Well-Known Member

    The idea had nothing to do with forcing people to level. I think twinking is an important part of the pvp community, it gives people that dont have the time to play competitively at level cap a place to play competitively. The reason I think the AA slider should be removed on Nagafen is so that in order to gain AA people HAVE TO quest and kill named npcs, and therefore would have to be out in the open world.
  12. Luperza Community Manager

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