Game lags straight to the log in screen

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Gbrown, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Gbrown New Member

    So, I've been trying to play for a while now and have been encountering several, what seems like massive, lag spikes that take me to the log in screen. I live in a dormitory who's wireless connection could be considered less than optimal, I will encounter lag spikes. This happens in every online game I play. Everquest 2 is the only one that forcibly removes me from the game when the spike occurs. There is not much I can do about the inherent lag, but I was wondering if there were any little tricks I could do to improve my play experience.

    Thank you for any assistance.
  2. Feylone Active Member

    First thing I'd try is setting the performance to extreme performance. It helps a little, depending on what zone you're in. I'd say it's probably the wifi in your dorm room tho. Especially if you're playing at peak usage time for the dorm.