Fury Spell and AA Changes

Discussion in 'Fury' started by ARCHIVED-kcirrot, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-kcirrot Guest

    The Fury Class has received some changes to certain abilities:
    • Armor of Nature now increases health.
    • Lucidity now increases health.
    • Back into the Fray can now be cast on the fury.
    • Porcupine is now raid wide with 25 shared triggers.
    • Feast now triggers when the target drops 20% health.
    • Primal Fury now improves casting speed when it procs.
    Please feel free to post any and all feedback regarding these changes.

    Changes To Current Alternate Advancements
    • Stormcaller's Control now improves base spell damage.
    New Alternate Advancements
    Please understand that these are the current versions of the new AAs. All of these abilities are subject to change. Please feel free to post any and all feedback.
    • Natural Instincts: Improves the druid's melee accuracy.
    • Wild Protection: Heals over Time will lower damage taken while they are active.
    • Pure Serenity: Reduces the recast of Serenity. The final point adds stifle immunity.
    • Tunare's Protection: Improves the health and power restoration of rebirth and makes the caster immune to AOE for a short duration when it triggers.
    • Stormcaller's Renewal: Procs a heal when the druid casts a hostile spell.
    • Tunare's Grace: Cures the group for 100 levels per rank. Any character cured gains a three trigger damage proc.
    • Tempest of the Elements: Adds an additional elemental debuff to Tempest.
    • Nature's Swarm: Improves the base and over time damage of Death Swarm.
    • Huntmaster's Vitality: Increases the health granted by Master of the Hunt.
    • Tunare's Touch: Reduces the casting speed of Back into the Fray.
    • Faydark's Awakening: Improves the healing of Awakening.
    • Herbal Remedy: Casts a heal over time effect when an ailment is cured.
    • Natural Cleanse: Cures the raid instantly and every two seconds for 16 seconds.
    Subclass Changes
  2. ARCHIVED-kcirrot Guest

    In addition:
    Fae Fire can now proc on any attack
    Call of Storms is an standard open AE attack
    Agitate also procs on spell damage
  3. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    kcirrot wrote:

    Things that have not been stated here:
    1. Porcupine - This spell no longer stuns the Fury. If the EoF AA for the heal on Porcupine is taken, the heal will also apply to all raid members.
    2. Energy Vortex - This spell is now a group temp buff. 30s duration, 60s recast. Decreases healing of Fury by 50%, increases crit bonus of group by 10%.
    3. Inate Crit Bonus - All priests inate crit bonus has been decreased from 1.3 to 1.2.
    4. Hibernation now appears in the maintained spell window.
    5. Nature's Ferocity - Instead of decreasing the duration of HoT's, Nature's Ferocity now adds a tick to all Fury HoT's.
    6. Pact of Nature - Now grants a group heal and cure to an ally. 60s recast.

    That hits most of the high spots specific to Furies, though stat consolidation and prime stat adjustments are important as well, I just don't have time to go into them, and the information can be found elsewhere.
  4. ARCHIVED-Anastasie Guest

    kcirrot wrote:
    This adds a stifle immunity to Serenity, but it doesn't allow you to cast Serenity while stifled (only castable while stunned). This oversight makes this much less desireable imo. Also, the recast reduction is still too little.

    I have submitted /bug and /feedback regarding this and have had no response nor seen a fix as of yet.
  5. ARCHIVED-Ardweden Guest

    Banditman wrote:
    Just spell crit bonus. The innate bonuses for heal crit, melee crit, and taunt crit are all still at 1.3 (same as on live).
  6. ARCHIVED-quetzaqotl Guest

    Playing in beta didnt give me that lu13 feeling all over again (damn those were the days hehe) but there are some nice buffs to some of our spells I don't mind trying out on live.
    Wonder how long I will last this time tso only kept me playing for one month before I quit, but who knows at the moment it's good to be back lol.
  7. ARCHIVED-Milr23 Guest

    Not been able to test this yet. But if you have two HoTs running at the same time with the AA skills of
    Wild Protection: Heals over Time will lower damage taken while they are active which is a max of 2%. Would this be increased to 4%?
    And do we know if another druid or may have to be warden, places a HoT would it be increased further if they also had the AAs?
  8. ARCHIVED-quetzaqotl Guest

    yes single target +group hot would give 4% when the 2 hots are ticking away. (warden and fury doesnt stack to 8 tho )