Furies need to be toned down in pvp. I dont see how this isnt fixed yet...

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-matt2004, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-matt2004 Guest

    This is an MMORPG. Yes, its a jungle out there. You need to gear up, max your spells, roll with a group as much as possible and take your losses with pride as well as your victories.
    I fail to see any arguement that the nukes of a fury shouldnt be scaled back in pvp. Either they need to keep their supreme nuking power and lose some healing ability...or they need to lose some nuking power and keep healing ability. One or the other needs to be done.

    Im not posting this for discussion, im posting this with hopes that a developer or moderator will see this post and please pass this on to the right person for evaluation. Am i asking for a flat out nerf? No. Im asking politely for fury damage and/or healing to be investigated in pvp. So flame me if you wish, i wont be back till tomarrow to bump my post. I did what you told me to do. I got the gear, i got the spells and i can put up a fight. I have fun sometimes. However, i can just stand there and not cast 1 damage CA and i cannot heal through the damage a fury can put out.
    I have seen groups of 3 or 4 soloed by furies. I see more furies than any other healer in game. There is a reason for this. Some players will say because they are so well rounded and can solo so well. Thats fine. Please allow them to keep the soloability. However with that said, when you check that little box in the top left corner of spells and it shows ****PVP DAMAGE*** im asking for this to be brought down considerably or the cooldown of the spell at least doubled.

    Please investigate this issue.
  2. ARCHIVED-silentpsycho Guest

    good luck with that.
  3. ARCHIVED-Pained Guest

    Is this experiences you have from low tiers or from level 70 pvp?
  4. ARCHIVED-Sightless Guest

    I've seen 3000 hits from level 70 furies and when you only got 7000 hit points as a scout and that fury can heal any damage you throw at them, well the end result is they win with little trouble.
    They're fine, and I wouldn't nerf them until SoE does the next blanket nerf.
  5. ARCHIVED-Captain Apple Darkberry Guest

    My guess is that you are T2...

    Enough said.
  6. ARCHIVED-shagr1414 Guest

    Sightless wrote:
    Glad i dont run into many furies in pvp as necro....lol Thought i had it bad with rangers til i read this.
  7. ARCHIVED-shagr1414 Guest

    matt2004 wrote:
    That would be the same reason we see so many Q's are rangers, guess what sony don't care, deal with it. We've had to for a long time now.....all they do when you complain about something on these forums is send you a message saying your too negative, meanwhile its sony's fault for the negativity. Next after you recieved the message, you try to post somthing to learn you've been banned from the forums. I gotta hand it to the mods of these forums....truth hurts so much they would rather force a customer to leave the game completely rather than allowing a person express in a non obscene manner how they feel they are being screw'd by the devs. I'm probably gunna be banned for saying this, but who cares....thats 15 bux less a month sony gets thanks to the people they call mods here.
  8. ARCHIVED-Vega Guest

    I don't know about t7, but in t3 furies are by far the most overpowered class I fight.
  9. ARCHIVED-Crysivil Guest

    I agree with if they are gonig to nerf it, it needs to be part of a blanket nerf.

    Depending on how you play it in pvp the nuke can go from anywhere around 2k-5 or 6k if you decide to drop EV, which does reduce healing of the fury by 50%. However, the single target nuke resists often enough in pvp that scaling it back is kinda pointless. The encounter nuke lands more often than not however.

    Every class is going to have its weakness, and their shining levels in pvp. It is frusturating and if you cant accept that notion, then maybe you don't belong on a pvp server.
  10. ARCHIVED-matt2004 Guest

    Crysivil@Nagafen wrote:
    1. What is a blanket nerf?
    2. PvP resists are just about a thing of the past. Ive been around for quite some time, and actually have a fury myself, and no, its not resisted often....at all.....unless im trying to solo a orange or red con. I think its pretty general knowledge that having your spells fizzle/resist in any common manner is a thing of long ago.
    3. Im aware that every class has its weaknesses and shining levels. Could you explain to me a furys weakness please? When does it ever get frustrating for furies? Please answer this question because i cant wait to reply!
    4. Last, but certainly not least....dont even suggest where i belong. Im a human being that pays just as much (probably more because of multiple accounts) for this game than you do. I will decide where my characters belong and at the moment its on pvp servers. I am a fan and have always been a fan of pvp in any MMO. I refuse to play pve only. With that said, im very used to unfair odds and losing in many games ive played. Ive also adapted and overcome these situations. However, as one of the strongest healers in the game i cannot even heal through the damage out put of a fury (while solely concentrating on healing, spending no power on anything else) and not just by a small amount, there is no chance whatsoever. Its not my gear....trust me. And to be quite frank with you, its not a lack of skill either. Ive played every MMORPG that has had pvp released in the last 7 years so id say my knowledge and skill of MMORPG PVP is just about as high as it needs to be...and im saying, personally, that i think furies need to be toned down. If you cant accept that statement and/or honesty maybe you dont belong on a pvp server.

    But other than that, thanks for the reply.
  11. ARCHIVED-matt2004 Guest

    shagr1414 wrote:
    Trust me i would know, i was banned recently for complaining about fluff slots and how i wanted them on pvp servers. 24 hour ban to be exact. And that is the first time ive ever been banned from anything in my life, including games and/or forums. Hell, i never even got sent to the principles office in school. I tend to be a person thats very easy going and easy to get along with. But yes, i know where your coming from.
  12. ARCHIVED-matt2004 Guest

    Apple@Venekor wrote:
    oh really?
    And my guess is your either a warden or fury
    Enough said.

    Turns out your a warden that recently was a fury. Im shocked! And btw Apple, your posts are always genuine and i respect you as a mature poster, however, you dont need to use red font to be heard. But to each his own! And just to be clear, read the post under yours complaining about furies in T7. Apparently my complaint is valid. Thanks for your input tho...however short and snobby it may have been.

    edit; no, most of my experience isnt from t2 pvp. however, t2/3 pvp is the most populated pvp in the game and i have a good amount of fun there also.
  13. ARCHIVED-Greenion Guest

    Apple@Venekor wrote:
  14. ARCHIVED-matt2004 Guest

    nice to have you back greenion. ^^
  15. ARCHIVED-Greenion Guest

    thankee Si...nice to be back.
  16. ARCHIVED-Tanan Guest

    matt2004 wrote:
    LOL Apple is a brigand unless she went back to qeynos to be a swash.
  17. ARCHIVED-matt2004 Guest

    Please everyone remain mature. I know that many druids dont agree with me and thats perfectly fine also. I still think this situation should be discussed/reviewed by SoE. I am led to believe as long as a post stays constructive and mature it will not be locked or deleted as long as its in the appropriate forum.
    To remain clear, im asking for druids, Furies in particular to be reviewed. Not nerfed. And to be exact; pvp damage and/or healing. Once again, furies are a favored class because of great versatility! I agree! i have one:) But i feel that their damage output/healing power *in pvp only* (one or the other because we already have wizards) should be reviewed. I find that a class with so much damage out put shouldnt be able to heal so well. /shrug. and ive seen no evidence presented in this thread to make me believe otherwise.
  18. ARCHIVED-matt2004 Guest

    Tanan@Nagafen wrote:
    I only know Apple from the posts ive read on the forums. Seems like a very nice fellow. However, i read ALOT of posts on these boards (probably too much) and i happen to know that he plays a fury. Think he changed him to warden though. This really has nothing to do with the original post so please dont de-rail the thread. If im wrong i apologize in advance, however i think you should do a little research:p
  19. ARCHIVED-Tanan Guest

    matt2004 wrote:
    I haven't heard Apple talking about a fury or a warden, but I do know he plays a wizard on nagafan now.
  20. ARCHIVED-gottasy Guest

    Yes please nerf furys a bit more please.Then it will be even easier for me to beat them.I feel so sorry when i come up against one on my illus or coercer.
    To the op.Have you played either a fury t7?Their cast times on nukes are insanely long.Their heals are not as good as other healers and PoC doesnt work in pvp now.
    Just because you cant beat them with your class doesnt mean they cant be beaten.Every class has its bogey class they just cant kill,coming onto forums asking for a nerf,which you are really is lame.
    I cant beat assassins and brigs atm.Can soe please nerf them while they are at it.