Frequency of Patches are Out of Control

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Kylezz, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Veeman Active Member

    This seems to be the stance of a lot of players. It's only a little time, suck it up, shut up and live with it.

    Ok since it's nothing, how about half of the patches being done in the evenings then? Oh wait, many you don't mind if the patch times affect the day players time but don't do it when you want to be on? Sounds like a bunch of Nimby's to me. (btw Nimby = Not in my back yard)
  2. Davito Active Member

    This has not only been answered by me... and several other people.... but also by a MOD. They do down times when there is the least amount of people online. Why on earth would they purposely pull servers down during prime time when they make the most money. All of you people whining about morning down times should play something other than an MMO. Maybe gather your buddies and play scrabble or something. Because all MMO's do this. You whining will absolutely not change 1 thing. Literally, not 1.
    Ladymist and Feylone like this.
  3. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    I think Piestro addressed the reason they don't patch in the evenings. If something goes wrong doing the patch everybody who can do anything to fix it has already gone home from work. So whatever went wrong stays wrong until the next day. Patching in the morning San Diego time makes sure staff is on hand if something unexpected happens.
  4. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I'm something of a morning / afternoon player these days, so it's not like I'm unaffected. I just find something else to do.

    Evening patches would be hitting prime time. Good luck getting that over with the raiders.