Freeport Server - the Progression Guild Ascendence is Recruiting Raiders for TSO and ROK tier 1

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by ARCHIVED-Switch, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Switch Guest

    Ascendence is a level 67 progression guild currently level locked at 80. We are seeking more players interested in progressing slowly and raiding old content. We are currently raiding ROK tier 1 and TSO zones. Working on void shard gear and epic weapons. Raids are Saturday at 8pm EST.
    If you've never raided and wanted to give it a try, this is your opportunity. Many of our members are new to the game and/or new to raiding. We make mistakes, but that's part of the fun. It makes the final victory all the sweeter. We are just starting to gear people up, so now is a great time to join us.
    Please remember, we are locked at level 80 and no higher level characters can be accepted.
    Thanks and good gaming.
  2. ARCHIVED-Switch Guest

    There have been several recent additions to our raid force, but we are still seeking more members. All classes still being considered. Now is the time to join if interested. Don't delay any longer. Max level 80 please.
  3. ARCHIVED-Switch Guest

    Guild level is now 71. Level cap has been raised to 81 due to mishap involving the AA slider bar resetting after last GU. Still looking for more people for our raid force, both experienced and inexperienced. Raids are still on Saturday night, but raid time has been moved up to 7 pm EST.
    Come join us!