(Freeport) Retributions Blade (90) a "content exploration" guild now recruiting

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by ARCHIVED-Councellor, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Councellor Guest

    Retributions Blade (level 90) is a "content exploration" focused guild who is now recruiting new members on the Freeport server. While we can raid, it is not our main focus. We feature a beautiful tier 3 Guild Hall located off the Antonica docks and every amenity that a guild can offer.
    We aren't seeking players who expect everything to be handed to them, instead we'd prefer to enjoy the presence of someone who tries to accomplish a task for themselves and after dying at least once, they ask for help. We aren't babysitters nor are we police. We fully believe in supporting the goals of our members and strive to help them accomplish theirs on a daily basis.
    Our guild is very organized and well established thanks to the generous donation and participation of our members. We have no drama short of an occasional "funny moment" and have quite a few benefits that most guilds wouldn't dream of offering. We don't publicize them because we don't want people to join just for the benefits. We'd prefer you join because you'd like to be part of a winning team.
    One famous individual once said, "you only become successful by surrounding yourself with successful individuals". We are very fortunate to have some top notch individuals who have made Retributions Blade their home. If you are a quiet introvert player, then this guild wouldn't be for you, however if you enjoy active, quality conversations and people who are willing to help each other on the journey through the game, then you really should give us a try. I'm confident you'll find like many others, that we are one of the finest guilds around.