Freeport New Guild Recruiting.

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Tannayr, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. Tannayr New Member

    Just started up a new guild on Freeport, Mourning Wood. It will strictly be a raiding/grouping guild. I won't be overly recruiting for raiding until the guild reaches level 30 and we have a few officer spots filled.

    Will be looking for about every raid class and will post a list here once I start openly recruiting. Will also be looking for a raid leader/officer. Will also be putting a website up soon with guild rules and requirements.

    This post was just to get the word out, that recruitment is coming. Just because I'm not openly recruiting does not mean that you cannot join. Helping build the guild up definitely helps in determining officer positions.

    Shoot me a tell in game if you'd like more info on where I plan to take the guild or if you would be interested in helping build it up. Name is Tannayr.

    Edit: Guild is pushing level 21 now, just thought I'd mention that so people didn't think it was level 1.