For those of you still playing conjurors out there...

Discussion in 'Conjuror' started by ARCHIVED-Nekroghoul, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Nekroghoul Guest

    I am considering rolling a conjy (would be my first 'good' class). I have a necro and a BL in the middle tiers both of which I like, but I'd like to here from you consider your class fun to play; not worried about easy to solo, not worried about wanted in groups, not worried about well balanced; rather, are conjy's just plain old fun to play and why?
    Let me provide some background on why I am asking. I have 5 toons a 90 and I will rank the here in the order of my fun factor:
    1. Warlock
    2. Coercer
    3. Defiler
    4. Brigand
    5. SK
    Warlocks are just plain fun in that fact that I can burn through grouped content like a red hot knife through warm butter. Now, funny thing is, the Coercer used to be my number one, but once they nerfed the charm line and effectively replaced it with PE, that took a lot of the fun out of the class. Mez is the only fun left in that class. Defilers are fun because I can take on a lot of stuff and never drop below 100% health. Brigands are ok, I guess fun if you are into the positional stuff. SKs are kinda boring for me. Yeah, they are somewhat über and whatnot, but it's just a lot of button mashing and the same thing over and over. A little fun there but I tire of that class quickly.
    I guess I am posting this to generate some discussion on what makes those of you who play the conjy class keep playing it. Look forward to hearing from ya!
  2. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    Why would you ask a Conjuror forum if the class is fun to play? That's sort of a trick question.
    I mean, first off, "fun" is a totally subjective experience. What is fun for one person may not be at all fun for another.
    Secondly, you are asking people who play the class already if it's fun. Really? If it wasn't fun, why would they play it?
    Since you are clearly not shy about rolling up another character, just roll one and find out if it's fun for YOU.
  3. ARCHIVED-Nrgy Guest

    In my expereinces .. with my 90's stable
    1. SK=Necro=Coercer=Bruiser=Inquisitor=Assassin=Beastlord=Defiler
    2. the rest ...
    I am interested in why you might think the Coercer Charm is broken or bugged, since the Shared Pet Stats the Coercer's charm'ed pet is far better than before (at least recently) and it works perfectly well when questing, farming or running Heroics. I only use PE in raids. I rolled up a warlock and finally decided it was little better than a bank mule. A SK that is bored should pull more Mobs! I'm not sure what to say about the whole "Button Mashing" comment since that discribes about 22 of the 25 classes, but my Necro is the most difficult to 2-box with by far. YMMV