For easter

Discussion in 'Quests and Live Events' started by ARCHIVED-CresentBlade, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-CresentBlade Guest

    Can we have killer rabbits running around throwing eggs at people and mauling all they come across? And give us eggs like snowballs to throw at each other!! Please:lol:
  2. ARCHIVED-Darksong Guest

    Sony tends to stay away from heavy religious holidays there wasent an easter event last year.
  3. ARCHIVED-ChildofHate Guest

    it could be just as generalized as Christmas was. Call it the Festival of New Life; celebrating Spring, birth, reawakening, etc etc yada yada... so on and so forth... blah blah blah
  4. ARCHIVED-ccarro63 Guest

    Darksong wrote:
    And Christmas isn't a religious holiday? Childofhate makes a good point in making a more generalized holiday. I would like to see more holiday events just to do something different every now and then.
  5. ARCHIVED-DrkVsr Guest

    [size="small; color: #993300"][face="comic sans ms,sand"]No it's not Ccarro63[/face][/size], it started out as a purely commercial venture, then along the line it got 'corrupted' and became religious but now it's gone full circle back to Commercial