Food/Drink thing

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Celestia, May 17, 2023.

  1. Celestia Well-Known Member

    So I missed something. What is the food/drink exploit that was announced? I would have asked in the thread, but its not open to replies.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Dude Well-Known Member

    If it's an exploit then it's no wonder the thread is locked. Posting an exploit here is a quick way to banishment.
    Breanna and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  3. Celestia Well-Known Member

    OHHH, okay. I honestly just wanted to make sure to not do something on accident that would make them ban me LOL.
    Breanna and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Duping (= duplicating, I guess) plat is an exploit (and those responsible should be "hangin' by [their] thumbs in the dungeon." --Argus Filch); I have no idea how one would exploit food/drink. :-/

    All I can think of is that the Mastercrafted food/drink we can make as Provies using the recipes in the Advanced books we get once a Tier and the rare mats from Shrub nodes is infinitely better than anything we can try to buy off the NPC merchants (ROFLMAO!!) or even in the "Oh, you don't have to worry any more about your Outfitters, Jewelers, and Craftsmen (except maybe your Woodworkers)! Our magic box of gear provided for you right here by this NPC is way better than anything you could ever make! /giggle :D" boxes at 100, 110, and possibly 120, for all I know.

    The rest of the gear may be so uber (at least initially?) that you'll be ashamed you worked so hard to get to level 100 with most of your crafters, but at least the food and drink is pretty useless and meh (level 90?? even in a 110 box? sheesh). :-/

  5. Celestia Well-Known Member

    I am glad for once that I am not that smart and not that desperate for money and/or attention, etc then. I am way too stupid to know anything about duplicates of plat.

    I don’t get what is wrong with selling stuff and Kronos if you’re that desperate.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    It would be pretty hard to do something on accident that will get you banned. Most exploits are really difficult to accidently do anyways.

    Even if you do accidently do something, accidently doing something once won't get you banned. Accidently doing something, seeing it had probably not intended consequences, and then deciding to purposely repeat it many many times is how you get in trouble.

    I have zero clue what exploit you are referring to, and I haven't heard any recent chatter around a new exploit, but can tell you there is no need to worry about accidently getting yourself banned with something like that.
    Twyla, tasnee and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  7. Celestia Well-Known Member

    Well, were you here a year or so ago when people were exploiting adornments before they became no value? A TON of people were banned/in trouble and a lot of us had no idea what we had done wrong. Because they hadn't made them no value a lot of people were just popping off the old ones they had and selling them to the vendor.

    Now, apparently there were people exploiting this and selling them over and over again. So the reason I asked was because I don't want to unknowlingly do something and the powers that be end up angered again. Like they did the adornments.

    I kind of feel like Gollum from Lord of the Rings about it, my account is, "Precious to me."

    So I get very paranoid when they say there is an exploit now.
    Twyla and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  8. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Wait, really?? :-/

    Wow, it must've been awhile since I've done that popping off gems bit... :-/

    One of the things that's hacked me off was the Powers That Be going lazy with how the Hex Dolls work; back in the day, if/when you got two of the Mastercrafted ones, regardless of which of the five types they were, you automatically got bonuses for having two MC dolls of the same Tier, or whatever the criteria were. Like various bonuses you could get from having two, three, etc. pieces of armor from the same set, for example (and with the armor, it was always right there in the write-up on the items).

    Awhile back, though, They got lazy for whatever peculiar reason and just auto-slapped adornments on the stupid MC Dolls, meaning you couldn't later sell the buggers to NPC merchants once you wanted to upgrade to the next Tier. You had to pop the stupid auto-Adornments off, often spending real money on the Marketplace to get something that would remove the Adornments back in the day (I think it's available for in-game currency now), and then you could at least get rid of the stupid Dolls for like a copper each or whatever. And yes, you could put the UNWANTED stupid Adornments on the Broker, or whatever.

    So, I don't see that as being the fault of the customers. We didn't ask for this forced Adornment nonsense, we didn't want it, and I for one just rejoiced we could do something about it so we could unload stupid old equipment, rather than having to Destroy it outright. If they didn't want us selling the Adornments afterwards on the Broker, they should have made them No-Trade or something, but selling Adornment-less Dolls to NPC merchants for a copper isn't going to destroy the economy, and the Adornments are now like anything else on the Broker, if they're considered overpriced there (and potentially selling for WAY more than we'd ever get from a merchant): again, pretty much DBG's fault. >:-/

    Yes, we could make our own MC Hex Dolls by the truckload, if we have a truckload of rares to make them with without having to spring to buy those on the Broker or get something that would help our pathetic attempts to get rares on our own now. And we would have to buy fuel to make the Dolls with. So, DBG, instead of getting us in trouble for this (if this is what you're referring to, tasnee), just price the "rewards" we get from the stupid Adornments and Dolls and whatnot from the merchants for way less than it would take, even in fuel costs, to make the stupid things with, and we won't try to "exploit" such, because it won't be worth our investment. :-/

    tasnee likes this.
  9. Celestia Well-Known Member

    Yep, and of course then you had some people telling you it was your fault and that you should have known better.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  10. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    For what? Vendor-trashing something?? We can do that with anything we get for "free," like a vial of Canine Saliva from killing gnolls. Or the No-Trade (but not No-Value) quest rewards we get when we clear out our old grey quests from our quest list, since we only have 76 spaces for quests; we get 'er done, as they say, then get the handful of gold or whatever and a thing we can't use any more, nor hand off to our younger alts, since it's No-Trade vs. Heirloom. X-P

    Are there people out there who sell such things as vendor-trash to the NPCs for, say, 10s, then buy it back from them for 8s, then sell it to them for 10s, lather, rinse, repeat? Fewmets, my hands would fall off my wrists before I could make a gold piece that way, let alone "plat duping! Ahhhhhhhh! :eek:" If that's what's going on, then we wouldn't be able to vendor-trash ANYTHING, and we'd be forced to just -- offer it up on the Broker for 50,000,000 plat instead (whoops, wait; it's No-Trade...). X-P

    If someone's come up with a 3rd-party program that lets you do that 800,000 times a minute or whatever, BAN THE PROGRAM, not the player. Spank the player somehow for it, yeah, but just kill that program and problem solved.

    tasnee likes this.
  11. Celestia Well-Known Member

    Well there were some people that did the exploit. But a lot of it was accidental. Daybreak did give us our accounts back (the innocent people I mean) but it was just dumb that other players were saying it was our fault. LOL.

    They did fix the problem and now adorns are of course no value. But anyway, yes. And that’s why I get paranoid about it when they say the word exploit now in any case.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  12. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Imho, the actual definition of "exploit" is someone actually doing everything in their power to milk the game for all the plat they can wring out of it through "clever, non-traditional channels" -- like, coming up with a program that can buy/sell/buy/sell/etc. stuff for copper on the gold 800,000 times a minute or whatever, or risk having to go under the knife in RL to repair the resultant carpal tunnel syndrome, for a mere bunch of bits of information. I will accept that techs and devs actually can officially define what they technologically consider to be an "exploit," according to their computer records, but I also think they're occasionally knee-jerk reacting off more than a bit of "witnessing" by people who don't actually know what the hell it means ("Someone's 'exploiting' something you say, Karen (or is it Darren?)? We'll get right on them! Brb!"). X-P

    It may be that people are frustrated by not being able to "WWWIIIIINNNNNNNN!!!!!!! :D" a roleplaying game (mainly ones unclear on the entire concept), so they use their overall amount of plat stacked up as "points" in their "score." X-P

    If the Powers really don't want Platters (heh!) to buy and resell and so forth to NPC merchants (can they really destroy the Broker economy that way? must've been something else...), then just let any given thing be only sold and bought back once. If you try to sell it to an NPC merchant again, it'll poof away forever, or less harshly, get slapped with a No-Value tag. Have a warning box pop up to that effect, and warn us before you instigate such a policy change on these forums and Discord and Steam and whatever else you communicate on, o Powers.

    But here's the thing: slapping a No-Value tag on an item, without an additional Heirloom or No-Trade or No-You-Better-Not whatever tag, simply means "please! Go right ahead and put it up on the Broker!! [emphasis mine] For as much plat as you can get [before the max limits existed], way more than you could ever earn doing anything else! That's not considered an exploit! :D"

    I guess I'm just confused. :-/

    tasnee likes this.
  13. Celestia Well-Known Member

    It was confusing, and it is still to a degree for me because why would they not put no value/trade on them to begin with? All I know is that I am glad they gave me my account back and that I am paranoid forever because of it. Which sucks because I have schizophrenia/bipolar and I don’t need more paranoia in my life but it is what it is I guess.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  14. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I think They might need to investigate such things more closely before reacting so heavy-handedly. I don't think they have much to worry about with plat sellers (vs. gold sellers on WoW) for a nearly 20-year-old game. :-/

    Glad to see your account's back! :) Hugs!

    tasnee likes this.