Fluffy.de site no longer being updated?

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by TheCat, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. Feldon Well-Known Member

    The last of the Census (data feeds) fixes should go through tomorrow for Quests, making the data ready to roll for anyone who wants to use it. There are about 11,500 quests present and they include every stage and branch (all the steps), the zone each step takes place in, what the quest journal says on each stage including the pickup and completion text, and some (but not all) of the rewards.

    I am happy to answer any and all questions about using the data feeds at http://census.soe.com/ either in this thread or on the Data forums over under the SOE/Station forums.
    Xsara likes this.
  2. Loch Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the information and everything that you do for the community, Feldon.
  3. evguenil New Member

    Is there any way to see if the quest is still in game or if it has been obsoleted?
    For instance, in the current SOE data I can find 31 quests related to Stormhold. According to Fluffy site, Stormhold had 28 quests including 11 obsolete quests, so it comes down to 17 quests which I can undertake.

    What is the best to find out which quests are still in game?
  4. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I don't think there is anything in the data to tell us if a quest can no longer be picked up. When they obsolete a quest, the quest is technically still there, but there's no longer a spawncamp (an NPC or clickable object) to click on, hail, or examine) or item to examine (Examining this item offers the quest 'X') to get the quest from. We'll be reliant on the player community to help us identify these quests.
  5. evguenil New Member

    Thank you, Feldon. In the Fluffy's database there was a couple of fields that could give me a clue. These are "Last Started" and "Last Completed" fields I believe. Looking into the dates in these fileds I could at least get a hint if the quest is obsolete.

    I wonder if SOE Data has similar fields in one or another data structure (like character_misc for instance) so I can build a query to see if particular quest was taken/completed recently by any other player?
  6. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I passed on your excellent suggestion and we will start receiving the YYYY-MM-DD for each completed quest by a character so we can show you when you finished a quest, and so we can more easily find quests which are no longer attainable.

    I'm still hesitating to add Quest Starter Type and Quest Starter as that's something Mazah hand-entered and we would have to do the same. We'll be able to tell which items offer a quest when examined. But quests that start by talking to an NPC? It might be a while.
  7. evguenil New Member

    Thank you, Feldon!
    Feldon likes this.
  8. Yadi Bashir Member

    Thanks a million time to get this new feature rolling on your side...

    I'm still using Fluffy's site for older quests... to get an idea of where I'm required... :)
    Thanks to him for all the work over those years... that was VERY useful for questers...

    Really can't wait for this new thing to be born... :)
    Feldon likes this.
  9. Shraddha New Member

    Thank you so much for all the good work you are doing Feldon! :)
    Feldon likes this.
  10. evguenil New Member

    I've just checked SOE data and I noticed that the completion_date has been added to the character_misc data tree. Very nice! Now it'll be much easier to undertsand if the quest is still attainable. Thanks again, Feldon!
    Feldon likes this.
  11. Feldon Well-Known Member

    In a future update, quests *should* export with all the text you could possibly see in the Quest Journal window. We were missing the stage text. Also we'll be able to tell whether a quest is scaleable. I'm pretty stoked. :)
    Faelen and Katz like this.
  12. Feldon Well-Known Member

  13. Dethdlr Active Member

    Actually, ZAM is just showing the different text for the different branches. It only shows the first of the possible values for stage text for a given stage, which in this case is:

    "I must find and speak with Anaaj Greenblade or Zemke the Wolf in Kelethin to be accepted as a citizen."

    Which makes perfect sense if the branch text says this:

    "I must find and speak with Anaaj Greenblade if I wish to be a Berserker or Zemke the Wolf if I wish to be a Guardian, both of whom can be found in Kelethin."

    But makes no sense if the branch text says this:

    "I must speak with Meeha Pekko-Maarit if I wish to become a Templar or Gilles Chillborn if I wish to become an Inquisitor, both of whom may be found in Kelethin."

    But we're getting there. The next time the servers patch we should have the different possible values for stage text as well, along with whether or not the quest is scalable to your level.

    EQ2U Lead Programmer