Fix please> DivineGuidance works with нр\mp rune

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Radi, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Radi Member

    Why DivineGuidance works with 20% нр\mp rune ?

    And why Bolster not ?
  2. Xyjyx Active Member

    Wow, incredibly detailed and convincing post, but I will give it a shot to answer this amazingly complex and perplexing question.
    Bolster is up 99% of the time, Divine Guidance is up >1/3 of the time, assuming spamming w/o regard to situation (less if not).
  3. Xyjyx Active Member

    For some reason not letting me edit, but that should have read <1/3, or less than one third of the time.
  4. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    Even shorter answer because that how the spell was designed.....
    Estred likes this.
  5. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Because the rune is specifically designed as a replacement/substitute for bolster, for those who don't get the actual spell cast on them all the time.
    Xillean, Daalilama and Estred like this.
  6. Radi Member

    OK but Bolster for ONE TARGET! dont forget it please
  7. Radi Member

    Because all have this rune (if they have of couse). Nobody will specifically (spec for Mystic) NOT to use this rune
    in that case this is nerf of Bolster
  8. Sylke Well-Known Member

    Because Bolster is better than both Bolster runes combined and can be maintained ~100% on one target?
  9. Radi Member

    Because DG+ 20% rune is... +50% for group ?
  10. Sylke Well-Known Member

    I have no idea what this means.
  11. Sylke Well-Known Member

    Well edit is broken, apparently.

    After working on it, I figured out what he was saying, but it still doesn't make much sense. You do realize that Divine Guidance does not have 100% uptime, right? Bolster does (or near enough). That's why the Runes don't stack with Bolster.
  12. Radi Member

    I see that from time to time only Shamans Nerf (Mystic or Deriler or both)
    Аlso I see that the problems of this class can not be solved over the years

    1. single target
    2. almost constantly

    1. for group
    2. not permanently (but often)

    There are two MustHave runes (+20% power\hp and +10% attributes)

    In group with Cleric and Mystic (for examlpe) for one player:
    DG+runes and plus 10% Bolster (relative to its initial attributes)

    Yeah, DG is not permanently, but this is for six players in group vs one for Bolster
  13. Ainaree Well-Known Member

    You are going to have a problem if you intend to tweak every situational HP increase out there. You should be working on having your class improved rather than trying to take something away from other healers. Anything that they currently have will help your group stay alive and that isn't worth calling nerf over.

    If anything, you should be trying to get Coagulate made into a percentile HP buff to add some value to the line. I can tell you that there is no raider out there that has declared, 'I have Divine Guidance so I don't need no stinkin' other HP buffs!'. They want both if they can, and anyone who has bolster runes probably doesn't have the opportunity to get bolster often. You'll find that your T1 DPS will avoid any runes that conflict with bolster and sit pretty waiting for you to maintain it on them because it is the better spell, and is better than those purple runes.

    Shaman do need something, but not at the cost of other classes.
    Daalilama likes this.
  14. Kalika Well-Known Member

    draconic should, the warden 5% buf, necro group buf probably all work.
    One asset of clerics is that they raise tank hp more than druid, and this is fine.

    You better ask bolster to stack with those runes.
    Radi likes this.
  15. Radi Member

    Or so =))
    I just can not understand why it was necessary to selectively nerf for Bolster only,
    not including similar buffs from other healers
  16. Radi Member

    especially at the weakest class in this addon (
  17. Kari Well-Known Member

    At this point, shaman are weak enough that we need to depend on our healing partners to be strong. If we complain and try to get other classes nerfed it just hurts us even more when we face hard content.
    Daalilama likes this.
  18. Malleria Well-Known Member

    They're trying to reduce the need for certain buffs to dps effectively. Rather than just remove the buffs, they created alternatives. Bolster was split into a couple of purple adorns, Battle Cry was put on a purple adorn, UT was given to mages as a dragon AA, etc. No dps class complains that they can't parse well because they didn't get DG :rolleyes:
    Daalilama likes this.
  19. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    I'm still trying to find the logic of the OP and this thread. Complaining that DG works with the "bolster" purple war runes for what purpose? Should DG not work on a player in my group if he has a mystic's Bolster on him? Or for that matter the "bolster" war runes? Still trying to follow the extremely broken logic.
  20. EQAditu Member

    I think they're under the delusion that DG's main benefit is the health gain. Or simply doesn't want to accept that there are a few runes that are shallow copies of a specific spell and thus disable when that spell "overwrites" it. (There are more than so far described here)

    Just to point out the flaw of the first point... I rarely cast DG for the health gain. I cast it for the infinite reactive.

    It would have been a better argument to compare DG to Immaculate Scenario as they both have group health effects(sort of). But again, one is temporary and one is permanent... and lacking the primary attribute of DG(the reactive).