First pass at wizard changes

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-goboy, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-blynchehaun Guest

    < statement 1, a well equipped player "may" be able to solo a heroic encounter >

    Statement 3: lead *may* spontaneausly transmute into gold. Just don't hold your breath.

    With stating anymore qualifiers than he (moorguard) has, people who feel they should be able to solo *cough*group*cough* encounters will continue to interpret "may" as a validation. And will continue to whine when they can't.

    Meanwhile, the rest of us will solo solo-mobs, and group up for group mobs..... /shrug
  2. ARCHIVED-goboy Guest

    Now the problem with the pre-combat changes - I was runnign 50-60% win rate vs. heroic mobs. Now that may not sound great, but my gear is far from good - in fact it is probably below average. That is one of the challenges playing on test is getting good gear. At the time, I was wearing mostly an assortment of tundra walker and quested armor.
    I do have an assortment of adept III spells - but the only one I can recall using (often) on heroics was ball of flames. I did not make 50 until after the combat changes, so I have no idea how easy/hard a heroic would have been with ROC and Ice Comet.
  3. ARCHIVED-Zyphius Guest

    I totally agree that heroic mobs should not be feasibly defeated solo, period. That defeats the purpose of them being heroic mobs. However, I do feel they need to leave our roots ALONE. I have yet to kill a heroic (even a "just turned grey" one) before RoC expired. At that point it doesnt take many hits to take me out (as you all know). Since they are making heroics tougher, there is no reason to nerf our roots. It will be [expletive ninja'd by Faarbot] near impossible to solo them with the roots as they currently are (I actually think they should make the tether line a little stronger). So, to sum up my feelings on this: For the most part, I like what i've read, with the exception of the root nerfing.
    On a side note. Those complaining (or rejoicing) on the differences being made per wizard vs warlock, here is my take (we can agree to disagree if you wish):
    Warlocks deal in poison and disease. Let's focus on disease first. There are really only two types, those that are contagious, and those that aren't. Most are, however. That being said, the disease line should, primarily, be AoE. It just makes sense. Add a dd nuke or two, but the line should be primarily AoE. Now lets focus on poison. How many poisons kill instantly? Not many... cyanide maybe, bout it. Most kill slowly, some much more quickly than others. My point is, the poison line should be, primarily, DoT. Make a couple be a mini-nuke with high DoT. That, also, just makes sense. Now look at the wizard line. We bring down balls of fire, and spears of ice, etc. Those, by design (and makes sense), should and are primarily DD. Sure, give us a couple AoE's (chilling wind - its a freezing wind, so yea, it should hit them all), but our powers that be are, primarily, the type that would only effect one mob. I think SOE is just trying to make sense, not actually nerf. Now, they may need to up a few things on the warlock side, because I don't want them to get nerfed, period. All I really want is to do the massive damage that made me sign up as a wizard in the first place. But I am trying to look at the big picture, and maybe come up with good reasoning as to why warlocks were made primarily AoE and DoT and wizards primarily DD by SOE.