finnaly get a master chest since they fixed them..

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-Sean Leclaire2, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Sean Leclaire2 Guest

    so me and 2 buddies are in the roost in clefts. havent gotten a single master since that day we got like 30, my friend says [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn] we better get one and oh my did we get one alright.......


    guess what... we cant open it.
  2. ARCHIVED-soulraiser Guest

    owe god ... ouch i feel sarry for ya man ((((
  3. ARCHIVED-Sean Leclaire2 Guest

    not like i thought CS would reply in the 40 minutes it took the chest to despawn. we sat there till it disapered and never got a reply to any of our reports
  4. ARCHIVED-OneBadAlien Guest

    Dont worry it was probably just an aegis of scorn that isnt worth anything, but yeah that stinks.
  5. ARCHIVED-Ponos Guest

    That's just mean.
  6. ARCHIVED-Snublefot Guest

    Thats what they should do to farmers :) Had my share of stuck bodies for rare drops in AO. Luckily none in a year here.
  7. ARCHIVED-electricninjasex Guest

    That's just bad software development. Completely unacceptable in any circumstance.

    Imagine my surprise in the Heroic Cache when our chest appeared 50 feet in the air above us.
  8. ARCHIVED-Petgroup Guest

    Same happened to me on Dreadwake but his was 6 miles up in the air :smileytongue:

    Just hope it was Spellwhip Master 1, that will make you happy =)
  9. ARCHIVED-DementedGerbil Guest

    theres beens everal posts about the same thing

    at first i thought it sucked, but by this point i thought people would get the hint and not kill on top of that rock
  10. ARCHIVED-Sean Leclaire2 Guest

    um that would require people to know that there was posts about not killing on that rock, cause i have never seen a post about it.