Figured this'd be the safest place for these... ;->

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Uwkete-of-Crushbone, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    ...especially given that last picture in this sequence. ;->

    Just got introduced to a lovely new mount today in Homeshow chat; may I present:

    The Umbral Blightmare!
    (in case you're wondering, the discussion was on how much this thing looks like a sea cucumber...I'm sorry I didn't get better close-up shots of her, but she's still on the Marketplace under Pegasi, last I knew)

    My Erudite Fury lad here, Abrahm Sappy'Yen, a long-standing (sitting?) member of Test since 2008, may be responsible for members of his race being able to have Water Breathing as a racial thing...he's based (loosely! Honest! :D) on Abe Sapien from the Hellboy universe(s), and wears the old Mermaid Scale Armor set, complete with cloak. He has the helmet, but prefers to wear the Guarding of the Reasoned Collar ('cause it looks like a water re-breather). ;->

    Less than attractive view of that strange tail:

    Slightly more attractive view of the other end (just remember, folks, the sea holds many things...including critters that look like stonefish or sea cucumbers, apparently ;->):

    Just look at those fins! :D
    (Abe can't fly just yet, so that's my story and I'm stickin' to it. For now, they're fins.)

    And they even work! :D
    (okay, I admit, I cheated and have a Carpet of Clover underneath as the "real" mount. Works!)

    Since FF isn't officially live yet, I'll keep it on the QT here. ;->

    aka Abrahm Sappy'Yen
    and a host of others! ;->
  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I guess another way of looking at her, given her coloring, is like an old bronze Pegasus statue that had been lying underwater for so long, it's gotten encrusted here and there. ;->
