Fighters death saves should be given to priests.

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Balbasur, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Raenius Well-Known Member

    I am all for switching ALL abilities between tanks and healers in total regarding deathsaves and tools to help heal.

    Which means I`ll get all wards, reactives, DoTs, cures and direct heals since its my role to "help heal", while the blockers, stoneskins and deathsaves go to healers.

    So your role as a healer gets basically reduced to only put up debuffs and dps abit, and throwing in a dp once the tank tells you its about time to do it. When you fail its your fault and you get kicked out of the grp for causing a wipe, oh....and your healparses all belong to us tanks, of course.

    /sarcasm off

    Just no.......jump down a dark pit and vanish for good.
  2. Balbasur Active Member

    Should really think about it it's unfair to other fighters that more fighters have death saves.
  3. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    By other fighters do you mean undergeared? Cause your bouncing around this non issue like usual.
  4. LogosZanta Member

    Balbasur can still post.

    When will this be fixed?
  5. GabenBison Active Member

    So you want to toss away a set of abilities for the fighters that's been around since for almost as long as the game's been out?

    Are you trying to be the new Cusahorn of gameplay mechanic ideas?
  6. Benjamin Member

    What you said:
    What I hear:
    How about FLEXIBILITY because it's more fun for the players? How about tanks being able to actually pull a few mobs without waiting for the healer to say, "Okay, you can go" every 20 seconds?
  7. Genghes Active Member

    Get of here with that garbage. So fighters shouldn't have death prevents.... so does that mean healers shouldn't have nukes and the ability to produce dps? Anyone who is a fighter and raids would disagree with you. Fighters with death saves helps share the work load of a healer. With the amount of heals and cures needed, it's insane. Little bit of advice....if you aren't happy with your classes abilities then play a different class. Don't cry to the devs about it.
  8. The Jones Active Member

    SoE isn't going to remove tank heals/saves because many tanks would rage quit and then we'd all rage quit because we can't find a tank to group with. /closethreadplease
    Genghes likes this.
  9. Balbasur Active Member

    Correct, fighters should not have deathsaves, at most they should only get stone skins.
  10. Silzin Active Member

    what you are talking about is a complete redesign of class rules for at least 50% of the classes... EQ2 would NOT survive this undertaking. not to mention we do not have the # of Devs on the teem to be able to do it in a timely manner.
  11. Balbasur Active Member

    How convenient a monk is saying this.

    There is a mismatch in balance when FIGHTERS have more personal death saves thatn PRIESTS have death saves.
  12. Treejay Active Member

    Xrispeyx > Balbasur
  13. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    It would require an entire reworking of the priest and fighter classes, reworking all the raids, all the 'death prevent or die while the uncurable detriment is on the priest' issues, oh and the graknus 'tank throw up your death prevent while the healer cures the curse so you/your group stays alive' thing. using my death prevents has saved my group from wipes a dozen times for things like the preist spamming cures and group heals and such, you know, trying to keep all 5 other members alive to do thier jobs, curing curses and the like...when I take a big spike hit.