Fighter HO and AE

Discussion in 'Paladin' started by ARCHIVED-Reevah, Dec 7, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Reevah Guest

    Ok, there's another post that got off topic regarding Paladin eq1 vs eq2, and it derailed (because of me, sorry) to HOs.

    Question 1: Can you break the wheel? Say in the case that was discussed on the thread mentioned. Have mezzed mobs, HO is set off, HO to complete is crushing anvil which is AE, can you break the wheel? Or do you have to allow time to expire? If you set off crushing anvil, it would mean breaking mez, so if you cannot break the wheel you cannot use taunt until expiration.

    Question 2: I've asked this on the combat board and received two different answers, and everyone I have asked ingame does not know. Is the AE HO (Crushing Anvil) AE encounter (meaning only the linked mobs you are engaged in at the time) or is it true AE (meaning will hit anything within a radius)?

    Thanks for your time.
  2. ARCHIVED-Kalvarin Guest

    It's encouter AE for sure.

    And I didn't want to call bulls_hit on it in the other thread, but it also doesn't break mez. I tried tonite.
  3. ARCHIVED-Reevah Guest

    lol you can call whatever you like. Just know that I try and be curteous to everyone and as long as you call bull*hit on what I say kindly that's fine with me. We're all human and we all make mistakes or have misconceptions.
    In my experience SOMETHING has broken all mezzed mobs at the same time, and it's timed perfectly with the execution of HO. Of course there's always the chance someone did set off a regular AE and didn't know it or didn't own it. Yet, seems odd that a damage attack of any sort wouldn't break mezz. Unfortunatly I don't have the luxury of a enchanter that's a good enough friend to trial test over and over with me. Will have to figure this one out, not that I don't believe you or think you're spouting BS, but rather, just seems very odd for any game that a dmg attack would leave mez alone.
  4. ARCHIVED-Tytch Guest

    It is encounter tied and it does break mez on mobs. Any dmg to a mezzed mob will break the mez, plain and simple.
  5. ARCHIVED-nobodyreally Guest

    As far as I know, you can't break the wheel but you can get a scout to "coin" it back to another one, like Sky Cleave. Or you can duo HO's with him and do Luck's Bite.

    And I thought that Crushing Anvil breaks mez, too... hmm.