
Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Flying Demon, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Flying Demon Guest

    Ive heard the Dirge can fear mobs. Which spell is this and what lvl do you get it at?

  2. ARCHIVED-dark_druid Guest

    We get Garsin's Funeral march at 26. It's a short duration, single target spell that requires 1 concentration slot, at Adept1 it lasts around 15 seconds.

    Outdoors it can be useful for the unexpected add however indoors I have found it to be a pain due to bad pathing and dodgy walls.
  3. ARCHIVED-Hazeroth Guest

    I like this spell line. The reason being is that I like to catalogue mobs, very good experience, usually easy to do, and you get a book at the end. The problem with these quests are that some mobs take exception to you eyeballing them(ie, hostile). What I do is sneak up to them, hit them with the catalgue creature ability, then hit them with the fear song, and run away. You don't even have to sprint. With in about 5-10 seconds or so you will get far enough from the mob that the encounter will be broken and the mob will forget you. Even with your speed being hampered by actively engauging the mob you will have plenty of tiime to get out of range and without the shame of calling for help to get the extra speed boost.
    This of course, can be also used when your just traveling from place to place and get inadvertantly agroed by something that can run you down.
  4. ARCHIVED-Glemo Guest

    I like them aswell,

    I mostly use them to get the mob off the casters/healers. fear them away just gives enough time to heal back up.
    Since you dont agro other mobs its is very safe. in the case he runs to far he autoyells. but better that then having a dead healer.

    Fearing adds is an option aswell as some sort of control. and if they run too far, well no more add :)