Fan made models for rendering - I'll take requests.

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by ARCHIVED-Zeedlana, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zeedlana Guest

    If I were to make hair models similar to my characters in game for use with Poser/Daz Studio figures and the like for EQ related renders, could I share those models for free with others as EQ art resources?
    These would not be actual game models, just ones done up from scratch to look as close to the game hairs I need for a few of my characters since I can't very well have them all in the same scenes together in game (not if I don't want to spend forever in Photoshop anyway, much more fun to model and render something).
    I know I'll be fine using my creations for myself...but I see there are other render-ers with a quick browse of the forum here. So thought I'd ask if sharing such a resource would be acceptable or not.

    EDIT -- I'm willing to take on a few requests if people want to post shots of their characters. Front, Side and Back shots would be needed.
  2. ARCHIVED-TorrynWoodsrunner Guest

    As long as the creations contain all original content, and are given away for free, you should be just fine. I for one would welcome some more hair to use in my work.
    You can use sites such as Renderosity or ShareCG to share your works once complete. Looking forward to seeing what you have in mind!
  3. ARCHIVED-Zeedlana Guest

    I have my own site, with lots of fun downloads already (though no EQ things yet outside of some sneaky little EQ1 dark elves here and there). Less hassle than using R'osity since their freestuff changes.
    I was going to work up a couple of my elf ladies first, but if people would like to post some shots of their characters, I can see about adding a few other ones to the list. I can't promise if or when anything would be done, but I can try.
    So I'll just fiddle away here and there.

    If people would like their character's hairstyles considered, I need front, side and back screen shots of their hair. Post them here I guess, rather than starting extra threads.