Fan Fiction Writers' Workshop

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-Tristraam_EQ, Nov 25, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Tristraam_EQ Guest

    Because our lords and masters decided in their infinite wisdom to delete the old Travellers' Tales forum (despite there being a lot of good stuff in there, which IMHO was worth keeping), I am starting this thread from scratch...

    Think your writing is good? This thread will make it better. Think your writing is bad? Ditto. There are a lot of talented individuals who post on this board, and I think we can all do each other a favour by giving some honest (if sometimes painful) feedback on each other's work.

    Literary Criticism is the filter that cleans the massive fish-tank that is Writing. So, if you are passionate about your words, post a link to your story here and you will receive some honest and (hopefully) intelligent feedback on how it made its readers feel.

    Just remember the rules:
    For the Poster
    1. Post the link - Don't post your whole story again. Just post the title, and a link to it. We are trying to save the poor database.
    2. Buy a bullet-proof vest for your ego - Not everyone is going to like what you wrote, and chances are they will find faults with it. This is the nature of writing. Deal with it. Writers need thick skins. If every writer gave up after they got a bad review, there would be a lot less books in the library.
    3. Don't retailiate - These are honest opinions of your work. People are taking the time to read your stuff and make comments on it because they want you to get better, not because they want you to feel bad. Take their comments on board, and learn from the experience.
    4. Don't quit! - If you get negative comments, listen to them. See if they make sense. LEARN from them. Your next story will thank you for it!

    For the Critic
    1. Back up your comments - Don't just say "I liked it" or "It was poo"; Explain why you thought it was good/bad. Say what you liked/didnt like. Be as detailed as possible.
    2. Don't be mean - Be honest, but be fair. Don't comment on the writer, or anything else other than the story. You can be harsh about the story, but keep it at that. Personal attacks are not welcome.
    3. When writing a review of a story, please include the title, author, and a link to the story in your post. Preferably combined.

    Hope to see a whole bunch of posts on here! The last workshop (pre-DB wipe) was getting very good, so I am hoping this one will also be a success)

    Writers' resources:
    A few handy links for both the experienced and the beginners. More links will be added as this thread grows :)
    The thesaurus function on this site is very good. This is a must-have online tool for any writer.

    The Little Read Writer's Hood
    This site is an online community for writers around the world. It's a great first step to getting yourself published, and a nice place to get honest feedback from experienced writers for work that isn't quite EQ-oriented.
  2. ARCHIVED-Rejor2 Guest