Familiars for Wizards and Warlocks

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-Weekster, Sep 19, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Weekster Guest

    As a Wizard from EQ and a Warlock from EQ2, I am wondering why we don't have our familiars yet. They were an awesome addition to the class at least in EQ, why not EQ2.

    The familiars could be a replacement for wizards and warlocks lacking a level 60 spell that is damage. The familiar like in EQ could add to our abilities in various ways like in EQ.

    Add X amount of Power.
    Add X amount of Health.
    Add X amount of casting ability. AKA for warlocks at least + X to Noctivigance.
    Add X to resists.
    Add X to mitigation or avoidance.
    Hate reducer.
    Adds X to power regen.

    And like EQ we take damage from their deaths or possibly get stunned X seconds.

    They don't even have attack.

    This is just one aspect for us Sorcerers I kinda miss.

    Message Edited by Weekster on 09-19-2005 06:46 AM
  2. ARCHIVED-Shipwreck_GPA Guest

    We do get a familiar, the frog, but after dying because I was backing up and got stuck on him, I swore to never summon him again. :smileyvery-happy:
  3. ARCHIVED-Senen74 Guest

    Familiars that actualy serve a purpouse, our current line is nothing more then eye candy I can do without.
  4. ARCHIVED-Panador Guest

    I'd also definitely like to see actually usefull familiars. Didn't play a wizard in EQ1 but that was one of the things that seemed really interesting about them, hope we can get them back sometime. Would be even better if we could talk to them like the familiars in Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights etc. :)
    Message Edited by Panador on 09-21-2005 09:44 AM
  5. ARCHIVED-Erowid Guest

    I asked the same question over a YEAR ago.... I hinted at the same things too.... why have a pet if he doesnt give you a higheted sense of wisdom or ability in combat..?

    Almost all readers of Fantasy know this about familiars...!! SOE is berift of creativity and have lost sight of the EQ2 project.... DoF is a good example of that. Combat revamp is great... DoF sucks, zonez suck, Ma'juul sucks, areana sucks.... they might seem great because their new and finally added to EQ2, but they are hardly anything important to a breathing community.

    They treat EQ2 as a house.. each room having soemthing unique and "Oh, so elaborate and scripted" when they should've created a whole world first and based the game off a shattered Norrath. It's obvious they just peice mealed the zones together.... Commonlands has no resemplence to the old one... where the Swashbuckler tunnels... even destroyed in the shatering there should've been remnants of it... etc.

    EQ2 to me has become a flop.... just like WoW is becomming one. Both are too easy and offer no reward..! SOE restricted movement by "flagging" every zone in the game... ala Planes of Power, and didn't understand thats why peope lft EQ1.

    Smedly, Blakely... where r u guys..? Wheres your head..? How do you promote a community mouthpiece to a Dev. Game art, animations, spell effects, voice overs, character design and even world geagraphy Developers are awsome... they did their job right. Lead developers who decided to "instance" EVERYTHING for ease and SOE profits should be demoted, becasue the effects of this "cheapened" game play are is now way past redundant and now equal to boring. The original world size was way too small for a game released in 2005.. and to have such a fractured city with no sense of feel to it because of all the zoning is laughable. To understand something needed to be changed with combat 1 year after release when 5,000 beta testers told you they would'nt even play EQ2 because of the "candy" combat and many more screeming about "locked" combat... you still released the game.!!

    Who's making these errant decisions... my God, I've (and many others) argued every single one of these points and in the last year I've slowly seen EQ2 change the game how we originally argued it should be. That alone should've given you a clue that in DoF beta you people were wrong.

    SOE cant go back adn remake the engine or world to be seemless... but they can make zonning less painful and they can make the game BIGGER and give us deeper and darker dungeons.... we arnt 13 years olds playing a consol game, we workers comming home from a long day of work, ready to dive into a Fantasy novel with our good buddies and seek out a different battle everynight... or kerplunk deeper into the vast dungeon we found last week.

    Stormhold...? Yeah, it was great until we dropped into the deep sewers and found it just ended... well actually 10 more minutes of fighting down there and we've seen the whole dungeon.... yet it took us 3 weeks to level high enough and battle tough enough to get to that point. That area should've been so big, sooo vast that it topple anything the Keep above could offer. SOE stopped short of making a complete experience. Inept of creativity.

    Don't believe me...? Think on these words below and see how SOE's completly inept of creativity.

    Invisible walls
    Underwater dungeons
  6. ARCHIVED-Thibor24 Guest

    So according to your description its a buff with a pet graphic following you around?
    Just cast one of your normal buffs then summon the bat and convince yourself the bat is providing the buff :smileytongue: