Faeoryn Was Here

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-Faeoren, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Faeoren Guest

    Anyone else discovered the random locations that you can imprint your name on? Is there any significance or are they just for fun? Well, at least my characters name will br forever embedded on the rock behind the brewery in Blackburrow forever. Go figure, you'll find me at the brewery.
  2. ARCHIVED-Lorelai_Seabreeze Guest

    I dont think it stays there forever, just a week or 2 maybe.
  3. ARCHIVED-Jayded Guest

    I thought it resets after a server restart, no?
  4. ARCHIVED-Kondular Guest

    They deffinetly clear after a server reset, I rushed out and tagged a few in Island of Refuge right after the big crash a week or two ago. :)
  5. ARCHIVED-Gytha Guest

    I'm told they reset in a matter of hours, actually. It's a fun little thing while it lasts though.