*Extra* Lore and Legend books?

Discussion in 'History and Lore 2' started by Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr, Mar 4, 2015.

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  1. Ceyarrecks Wunnfirr Well-Known Member

    Excuse me Please:

    in that I am currently constructing a "Library" and would like to populate it with Lore & Legend books.
    where can one purchase EXTRA Lore and Legend books one has already completed?

    and no, the Sage in North Qeynos tower does not have all of them, only but a few really, of L&L.
    are there other "sages" in other continents that would function for quest books relevant to that continent? if so, their name and location please :D

    Thank you kindly for the input.
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