Explain Please

Discussion in 'Station Cash' started by ARCHIVED-Canthinkofaname, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-cashp Guest

    Sikaan@Butcherblock wrote:
    I agree and if it goes any further than fluff, well i am out of here. Honestly find it VERY distasteful they were developing this when the expansion is still buggy and people are having issues. Hate cash shops, and would like to see them all disappear.
  2. ARCHIVED-TSR-DanielH Guest

    Fast thread moves fast. Starting at the first post...
    Daisey@Oasis wrote:
    -What exactly is a "Premium" item.
    The items available through the marketplace include fluff pets, appearance slot armor, and potions that increase AA/XP gain(similar to the LoN potion pack items).
    -How is the "Station Cash" different from Plat
    Station Cash doesn't relate to plat in any way. You can't buy plat with station cash.
    -Are the items fluff or necessary to play your class the best?
    Not at all. You might be able to level up a little faster if you buy some potions, but they have absolutely no effect on a maxed level/achievement character.
    -Why wasn't this announced in advance so we could ask?
    Not sure about that. This is the day the management decided to announce/release it.
    -Why is the FAQ page broken?
    I'm not sure what page you're referring to. The main knowledge base entry is located here:
    -You should let us exchange mega plat for "Station Cash" so we can have a plat sink.
    As far as I know, there will not be a way to convert between station cash and plat.
    -Does the items you purchas go into /claim like LoN stuff or does it go to the character you are currently playing?
    The items will go directly into your inventory when you purchase the item. Because of that, you will want to make sure you're logged into the correct character when making the purchase.
    -Do the aa potions work just with discovery and kills or quest aa rewards also?
    While I haven't tested that myself, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't work with quests/kills. You should receive the bonus XP on any Achievement Point gains.
  3. ARCHIVED-Grumble69 Guest

    Right now it's fluff items. ...overpriced fluff at that. There's no way I'd every pay $10 for a 1 charge potion with a relatively short time limit. The real issue though is that this is just the beginning and more items will be added. So I don't regard the reaction in this thread as being "knee jerk". I think we can look at the history of LoN and get a good idea of things to come.
  4. ARCHIVED-quiarrah Guest

    This really doesn't seem much different from LoN to me. . .there you have to buy packs of cards. .some cards you can turn in for in game items. (I have one painting form LoN . . I don't play cause I have never been able to figure it out. But you still have to "BUY" decks if you want new ones. What's the difference anyway? None really.
    What I would like to see though is for SOE to bring in some of the other clothing lines. .perhaps they could pit these in the MArketplace if it takes off. (what are the new clothing lines? Duh. . .we have a girl from SS in QH wearing a crop top and knickers. . I would buy that in a heart beat! What about the stuff they wear in Isle of MAra? They already have the design. . . just give it to the players. OR better yet. .give it to the tailors to make. . .and not just the High levels one either.
  5. ARCHIVED-CorpseGoddess Guest

    Huh. Not exactly sure how I feel about this.
    I do know I won't be spending any money on the two armour sets they have out. I can get bland and blander for "free" right now from the broker.
  6. ARCHIVED-AstusFox Guest

    If you don't think that in order for SOE to keep cash flowing into this venture they will add "real" armor, weapons, and the like you have your head in the clouds. This seriously smacks of them trying to get as much cash out of their 2 cashcows as possible before they fold. Why is this feature not being released in Planetside, SWG, Matrix, or Vanguard? Because thos game are not lucrative and dieing on their own.
    Good job SOE for finding a way out of the competitive online gaming market.
  7. ARCHIVED-Canthinkofaname Guest

    Thanks TSR Daniel for answering my questions.
    Think most of my questions had been answered once they got all their posty links up. Forgot to do that before patch notes. hehe
    The use the char you want to have the item is one that hadn't (as far as i know) nice to know.
    The other is the aaxp. That one confused me since they give bonus mentor exp only on nameds and exploration... So you could do up a bunch of quests then slug a potion then do a runaround turn in thing and get your bonus aaxp? Could you double check that one since you haven't tested it yourself?
    Thanks again.
  8. ARCHIVED-Uncaged Guest

    LadyGalasya wrote:
    Who exactly is livid? I could see if there were game unbalancing changes made. But it all looks like fluff to me. Also, even if you could purchase worth while equiptment..........SO WHAT! If it is worth it to you to gather up a Raid force and kill several hours grinding epic level zones, quest chains , etc. good for you. If some lazy bum wants to buy up his equipt and keep this game financially afloat, good for him/her.
    Honestly, that is not even the case here. If pep's want to buy up some flavor items for cold, hard, cash ....Great. I , after looking at the items , could really care less to spend my money on them. However, who exactly does it hurt to buy unique flavor items? And seriously, who is livid about it? What is to test? It is all fluff. Some people need to take a step back and breathe a bit. Think before you post.
    The only moneygrubbing thing that would likely get me to quit was if I started seeing Pepsi banners in Qeynos or something. Other then that , let the game live on however SOE can get it payed for.
  9. ARCHIVED-Uncaged Guest

    Another benefit to this direction of selling is to trivialize the plat farmers and sellers. If there are items in game that can only be accessed by paying SOE directly, then they have out foxed the plat farmers at last. I say cheers, good move SOE. Now add some equiptment I can use.
  10. ARCHIVED-SkunkerAG Guest

    Uncaged wrote:
    I am.
    Why am I not playing some "mmo-free-to-play" game?
    Buying ingame items like usefull armor & weapons for money is the last thing that i need in a mmorpg, and reason for me and nearly my whole guild to quit. .. yes I asked them.
    I guess I know SOE enough to say that these XP potions and AXP potions ..may be only the beginning. Better think before programming stuff in, from which they know that a lot of people will be upset.
    Or what do you think was the reason for SOE that they did not anounce it?
    Uncaged wrote:
    no comment.
  11. ARCHIVED-Kasar Guest

    Uncaged wrote:
    I'd prefer that, actually. There're plenty of MMO's that focus on microtransactions, just none that I want to play. They tend to have no community and be nothing but grindfests.

    Maybe they'll add beta-buffing type instant level cap progression.
  12. ARCHIVED-Daysy Guest

    Kasar wrote:
    It would have been preferable if they'd done that instead of increasing the rate at which you get experience. The last addition to my family has had combat experience turned off since level 9 but still got to 20 with still a ream of Antonica quests to do.
  13. ARCHIVED-Allforgrog Guest

    Uncaged wrote:
    I've thought about this, continued breathing and still i am livid.
    The palyer that invested the time and effort should recieve more, the one who purchased via RMT an EZ-mode advancement enhancer should be suspended and rolled back if not banned.
    Now SOE changes the EULA and playes the role of RMT seller. This is wrong and should be removed.
  14. ARCHIVED-Kigneer Guest

    Uncaged wrote:
    This is how a game falls, to be but fluff players, even it's raiders to the point of no return = "so what".
    If folks don't putheir foot down on what matters to them, it wouldn't be "so what" it'll be "how much". Spent a day with folks whining and crying that there's too much solo content here, as they don't want soloers to get the same gear they have. Imagine that a 1 day n00b can get their best raid gear with forking over $500.
    Very trivializing, huh? Oops, haven't seen those whiners here yet (probably praying for such ingame store items, as it never really was about soloers getting the "one up", just keeping up with the Jones).
    That's what happens in these cash shops. Those who play the game are willing to fork over the big dollars, not because they can actually play, but for bragging rights. MMOs are like Myspace and Facebook, whatever is vogue and trendy it's a "gotta have" mentality. Zero work, just give your blood (or mommy and daddys') to Sony et al., instead.
    Fanbois are but fanbois they'll go anywhere where their publishers tells them. But gamers who take gaming a tad more seriously understand, goals not met by working for them cheapens game play. And game play IS what matters in gaming -- not the store bought instant gratification junk.
  15. ARCHIVED-Darq Guest

    Vendeta@Everfrost wrote:

    either make this game subscription free and all micropayment
    or subscription only and no micropayment and no TGC linked to it.
    and yeah just when you think "hey SOE isn't that bad after all" you get stabbed in the back.
    I'm disgusted.
  16. ARCHIVED-Darq Guest

    Spyderbite@Venekor wrote:
    Your nose is brown from all the @ss kissing
  17. ARCHIVED-Kigneer Guest

    Darq wrote:
    Naw. Long time vets are hoping for some extra bonuses ingame or in the bank accounts for being so "loyal".
    It keeps folks defending everything a publisher does, with a smile.
    F2P games even openly pay members for promoting the game. A cash incentive to keep a smiley face, or butt kick those who complain (or run off forums).
    Ethics no longer is important in gaming, the publishers will flat out pay members to be such "good troopers".
  18. ARCHIVED-AzSkyDragon Guest

    As a roleplayer seeing all the fluff stuff shoved into fancy out of game nonsense really ticks me off! Why can't we get new art assests tossed into city factions, or new fluff (No stat items for apperance slots or temp pets) there! I've been wanting more stuff on the dang Qeynos vendors for years. New houses, Lon, now new pets in the cash shop. What gives?! Seeing fancy new stuff attainalbe in game might actually help build community. "Oh the new plate design is from the Qeynos Guard, lets work together to grind writs" Instead of "Whatever man just pay 10 bucks." We have not had fun spells since level 50! CAN WE PLEASE GET SOME FLUFF IN THE GAME ATTAINABLE IN THE GAME! I'm sick of addons and gimmicks. The line for me is not crossed when we can buy raid gear or things that "affect gameplay" are available in the cash shop, the line is crossed right now when a big amount of new art assests are thrown away as loot cards or other items. I feel insulted seeing new illusions and paintings and armors we have to pay for and don't get me started on the paintings or the house items! I made a carpenter because I wanted to make that stuff myself! The bought paintings have much better resolution and art than ANYTHING a carpenter can make It makes me die a little inside everytime I see one.

    Now for some ~maybe~ possitive feedback?
    For SC how about being able to pick my own title within the naming policy? Sort of like a last name just goes in either the title or the sufix place. I know hundreds of AB and LDL people who would jump on that if it was not to crazy of a price.
    Can we just buy class hats now, seriously? I'd like to see all the LoN cards up there instead of still having to jump through the booster pack loopholes for the people who just want the loot cards. We can cut out the middle man right.
    Particle effects for weapons and shields might sell, I know the visions of blank and glowings hands are popular loot cards.
    I guess what I feel should be done is if we have to keep station cash around I would like to see it take from LoN before it takes from EQ2.
  19. ARCHIVED-Earlhastan Guest

    I really dont like this feature. It just creates an unfair advantage for those with lots of money. Sure its just fluff now but how long before other items and services appear? Who wants to play a game with when you know the "cheatcodes" for more than one week? It gets old very fast when you dont have to work for anything. I hate instant gratification. It ruins the longterm fun in this type of game.
  20. ARCHIVED-Doggi Guest

    Surprisingly odd (but also amusing) how many players cry out that they would cancel the subscription. I mean... come on it's just fluff, it's nothing more than LoN is currently! Armor without stats, potions that you can already buy with LoN... there's nothing new! Cancelling the subscription because of that is like giving your dog away because he pee'd on the carpet o_O "Aus ner Mücke nen Elefanten machen..." (sorry, don't know it in English *g*)