
Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by BaldNinja, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. BaldNinja Member

    ok, this has probably been said before, but as a new EQ2 player, i'm severely disappointed with the expansion prices, and actually SOEs prices in general. Not so much for the new expansions, but for someone like me who will have to buy AoD to be able to use CoE features, there is no sort of bundle pack! not even to save $10! and after looking over SC and the KRONOs, there's really no way of spending more at one time to save $ later. Sometimes with companies you will see, buy x amount for y , or buy an x amount for this much and save. but nope. not with sony I see. so looks like i'll be spending 80 just to get the base sets.
  2. Kalderon Well-Known Member

    It was said serveral times last week, or perhaps a day. But you just don´t need AoD to get it started. AoD is more like a must have if you choose to go to end raid. You don´t even have to have it, to get use of all CoE.
    BaldNinja likes this.
  3. ColbyJack Well-Known Member

  4. Finora Well-Known Member

    The only thing CoE has that you absolutely need AoD to use is mercenaries. Mercenaires while they can be helpful, are not needed. The only other things AoD has are beastlords(new class, not needed), TS apprentices (not really needed, unless you want to research & make the recipes yourself rather than just buying the items), 20 aa (might be a must for raiding I suppose, but I bet I could get by with 20 fewer aa at 95 for other content), and reforging (not required but useful). Nothing at all restricts the actual content in CoE save the inablity to hire mercs there or use the collector's edition merc.
  5. BaldNinja Member

    so reforging is only in CoE? have 2 items that can be added to weapon but been looking for a reforger lol
  6. ColbyJack Well-Known Member

    Reforging is in AoD. However, it's not something you need... it's nice to have if you're at max level raiding, but there is nothing necessary in AoD that you'll need in order to play the game. Worry about CoE if you're already up at the level cap, and get AoD if you like the extra perks that it offers, but it's not an expansion I would say everyone should put on their must-have list.
  7. Finora Well-Known Member

    As my post said, reforging requires AoD. Those particle effects you can reforge onto things drop everywhere and some can be made by crafters (and have been since AoD released). Having them or not in no way affects your ability to play the game as they are 100% fluff and aren't certainly aren't content from CoE.