Expansion Gear Stats

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Bubbaq, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Bubbaq Guest

    Anybody know what the gear stats are going to be on the new content as far as heroic and raid gear?
  2. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Bubbaq wrote:
    I've not seen those you ask about but the beta pack gives fighter plate, legendary, 130 for the main and secondary stat.
    When I compared it to what my Paladin has (mix of DoV raid, Rime raid, WL quested), the test gear seemed to be around where Skyshrine faction gear is. I did wind up replacing a few pieces, mainly the jewelry.
    So far, the mobs are L92 (same as my toon) and seem to be in line with DoV. Then again, I just ventured in a little bit last night after finally getting in after trying since Monday. :p
    I'd say if you're in Withered Lands or Skyshrine faction or such, you should be okay.
  3. ARCHIVED-Bubbaq Guest

    I was just curious if all my +170ish gear is going to be obsolete with this expansion.
  4. ARCHIVED-Twyxx Guest

    Most of the drops I've seen so far from Altar x4 and new Sleeper's x4 are basically UD equivalents. 179ish stats.
    Not sure who this appeals to though. Doesn't everyone that raids anything have at least a full set of that stuff from Skyshrine by now? I guess, like live ST, the only loot that matters is off end bosses and avatars now.
  5. ARCHIVED-Ulrichvon Guest

    Twyxx wrote:
    Itemization is rarely set until days before release, I'm not reading much into what is there now.
  6. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Twyxx wrote:
    That normal or hardmode? Normal is 171, hardmode is 183 or so if I remember right.
    Not everyone does, Twyxx. Some of us causal raiders are still gearing up since we play twice a week, and not everyone shows up both days. My Coercer has a full set of armour save shoulders, full set of jewelry save earrings and a charm.
    I can say now after running a few quests, the quest rewards are 130. A bit over anything Kraytoc, maybe right up next to Skyshrine.
  7. ARCHIVED-Regolas Guest

    Makes total sense and follows what it always has (except skyshrine which was too big a jump). Each new expansion gives solo quest rewards in line with previous expansions heroic gear. So overland CoE will be similar to contested skyshrine. Heroic CoE will probably start around ST/UD level (EM) up to skyshrine EM raid level for the hardest zones. CoE raids will be a minor improvement on skyshrine raids (about 10-15 increase to base stats and 1% cb/pot increase). Well, that's what my sensible head tells me!
  8. ARCHIVED-Twyxx Guest

    Pheep@Unrest wrote:
    Okey. I mean, I know that if they jump the stats a bunch everyone will scream, "gear reset!" and maybe devs can't win. Just was hoping for something to raid for in this. Pugs are clearing the hard mode content in Beta. The HM Barroddas monkey was killed with 3 pug groups last night.
    Some of the zones are cool looking, but was just hoping there would be more than one item per zone to go after for those that have been raiding more often.
  9. ARCHIVED-Tigerr Guest

    Again with this easy faceroll stuff?. Devs, didn't you learn from Skyshrine that this easy x4 stuff is just horrible. People were complaining about the LUCK factor associated with Plane of War, noone said "we don't want zones like this". I'd rather have hardd zones that people will push for ( and no matter how much the "I dont have timeee to raidsoohard" crowd complains, they will STILL push for these hard encounters) than to have EASY facerollable stuff where EVERYONE is bored within a month. Obviously, none of the suggestions and comments that the ENTIRE PLAYERBASE provided was even looked at. You guys are still doing the same thing you have done before. This is already getting annoying, the last 3-4 raid zones have been completely facerollable and honestly, the only content that has been SEMI decent was the avatars. The people that are asking for this easy stuff already have those zones to farm and mess around in. Can we please get hardmode versions just like we had in Kael/Drunder?. Devs- Start listening to what the player base is suggesting to you, just because these forums are filled with "sooohardgimmegimme" doesn't mean that you need to make everything 1 color and so easy. Stop including HM encounters in the SAME zone as the easy stuff. Hardmode should be HARD, not doable by 3 random pug groups.
  10. ARCHIVED-Chronus1 Guest

    Twyxx wrote:
    This. And the new em is not 1 cb/pot more, it's more like 0.5-0.7. PoW and avatars still best except maybe if you get 2 new rings and fully level green adorns in them. Neck too maybe.
    I too am imensely dissapointed, the only real worthwhile raid content is going to be Avatars now? On a competitive server this is going to totally screw over the medium going guilds who do Plane of War and are already semi bored of clearing trash forever but can't kill Avatars as 1 guild dominates contested on the server (AB, Unrest, Splitpaw, Permafrost, Butcherblock, Naggy). That leaves a lot of raid guilds really shafted by this content, is it that tough to get decently hard zones without the deliberate blocking of all but the best we saw in Drunder and PoW at the start of their release?
  11. ARCHIVED-denmom Guest

    Gnina has stated in the beta forum that not all the buff packages are on the raid mobs. They're just testing basics and will set up the packages soon. That's why it seems so face rolling, as some put it.