Exile question

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Smythy, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Smythy Guest

    I want to put a character in exile on a pvp server and level him up that way. I was wondering what would be a good class to do that with and what tips you guys could give me to help me suceed. I am a little biased towards scouts (but i will try other classes) and i dont care which side i start out Q or Freep.
  2. ARCHIVED-Greenion Guest

    [p]any scout is a good way to go for an exile i'd say....you'll have stealth and tracking...[/p][p]other classes do well also, it really depends on you....[/p][p]you'll need to be slinky and avoid most people you see in open zones...because they'll ace you on sight.[/p][p]patience, perseverance, lol, and stubbornness are all handy traits.[/p][p]dont mind dieing in pvp, thatll drive you nuts as an exile. just take it in stride. judge your gameplay in terms of your gameplay not in terms of others on the teams...dont at all expect a similar ride as them because really, as an exile you are in an altered ruleset apart from them. get this firmly in mind.[/p][p]craft and harvest, mastercrafted gear is likely the best gear you can gain ingame solo without buying it from a broker. quests are fun but will be harder to accomplish as an exile...i suggest crafting what you can to at very least fill in the gaps in your gear. if not making crafted gear your mainstay...i have 6 exiles on the same server that all work together to craft their own stuff...i will admit its alot of work...definately admit at times the gathering and crafting grind for all 6 gets extremely tedious...must be done by me though, simple as that...if i want to really solo my exiles.[/p][p]its fun in a way, you will see gameplay scenarios pan out from a very new perspective...it wont be fair at all...in fact the odds will always be way out of favor for an exile...victories are more seldom and infrequent, however are all the sweeter for having overcome greater diversity.[/p][p]if you exile on venekor send me some ingame mail to let me know who you are, i'll be gald to give you a hand where and when i can.[/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-Ashen-Shugar Guest

    I've seen more people actually trying to level in exile on Naggy recently .. Check out a guildy of mine Jeffmalone - he posts ont he naggy forums he managed to get to 70 in exile .. From what I gather you really really need to enjoy questing as you'll be solo a lot and grinding in open area's will just get you smoked
  4. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    I actually tried it out way back when exile was new. Witha ranger, hated the ranger tho. Planning on doing it with a new toon soon. ;)
  5. ARCHIVED-Smythy Guest

    Greenion wrote:if you exile on venekor send me some ingame mail to let me know who you are, i'll be gald to give you a hand where and when i can.Yah, ive decided to exile an assassin on Venekor because i have a bruiser who has some stuff i can give my assassin. Thanks for the help in the future, ill send you a tell.