Evertour Entries: Abloft's Aquahouse

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Niboota, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Niboota Well-Known Member

    Ok in this one it looks as though some plushies that you buy from the station store SWIM when you place them in water! I am super excited about this and feel I have to test that!
  2. Xsara Member

    bless you (she sneezed during her tour) :) Loved your tour. Saves me from creating a char to tour houses on other servers.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Niboota Well-Known Member

    hehehe thanks! ;) And glad you liked the tour!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Oh, hun, check out EQ2 Furniture again; there are tons of swimming plushies to get in-game that swim in mid-air, when you put them on a chopping block (now that's FRESH fish!), etc.; we have some more on The Marketplace, but can always, always, always use more! :D

    Also: check out Abrahm's "Tanks for the Memories" 4-room New Halas place (Medium?) on Test server (and remember, folks! Characters created on Test server don't "count" towards your max!): every time there's something aquatic that moves (and even many that don't) that comes along, Abe has a mission in life to place it within one of his tank "rooms." ;->

    who keeps getting kitteh hunger pangs every time they go by... ;->
    Niboota likes this.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    D'OH! Didn't really know what you'd meant until I finally got a chance to see the video...I thought I'd recognized the name, and I was right; I'd explored the place long ago with a li'l Froglok gal, so I didn't need a water-breathing spell, but just to let folks know: at the entrance, there's a chest full of Totems of the Otter (the "box" that was recommended to all "trotters" not so blessed as the "fins" were with water-breathing) that's probably kept re-stocked; when I was there, there were like over 500 of them. ;->

    Anyhoo, as you went in and we followed along, I immediately recognized the place (which makes Abe blush in inadequacy, poor darlin', though he'd love to live there!), but since I didn't have any of the humanoid-type plushies you were talking about the first time I went there (the Sirens, the Troll pirates, etc.), I had no idea they made separate swimming motions when in water! Thought you were just referring to the fish! ;->

    now wondering if all humanoid plushies do that...hey, can Qho swim? ;->
  6. Niboota Well-Known Member

    Yes I had no idea, so when I saw them swimming in this house I was like "whaaaa???" LOL
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.