
Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, and New Player Questions' started by ARCHIVED-Zabe, Jun 10, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zabe Guest

    Why is Everfrost such a tuff zone? Am I missing the "solo" parts of this zone? I have done one solo instance, but thats about all I can finnish in that zone. All the quests I can find seem like group style quests.
    Way to many ^^^ mobs.
    Any help on solo content in Everfrost would be helpful or is it better to just skip it.
  2. ARCHIVED-Kulssin Guest

    Everfrost was originally designed as a group/raid zone. Many people suspect its due for a revamp soon to make it much more group/solo friendly like its counter part, Lavastorm.
  3. ARCHIVED-Zabe Guest

    That makes me feel a bit better. I just couldn't see how people could solo or even Duo that zone. Glad to hear that Lavastorm is just as bad :(.
  4. ARCHIVED-Brook Guest

    Lavastorm and Everfrost are NOT bad, if you don't like them go to another zone.. (not intending to sound rude), but they are both great outdoor dungeons for groups and people just getting into raiding. There are other solo zones in that level range if thats your preference, leave these two zones alone, they don't need a revamp.

    I think the art teams did some of their best work in these two zones, and the content and layout is fun for grouping.
  5. ARCHIVED-Zabe Guest

    Brook wrote:
    I didn't ask for the zone to be changed. I just wanted to know if there was a solo area I couldn't find. I have no problem with grouping or raiding for that matter. I played EQ for more years then I care to say, so I know about raiding, spending hours camping the AC, days in PoP. I for one didn't know these 2 zones where outdoor dungeons.
    At times my guild is at work or spending time with the kids/wife and not able to run instances, and I was looking for a new place to go. I read that Everfrost was a good place.
    Thanks for your comments. The Art work in Everfrost is quite nice, I must say.
  6. ARCHIVED-Kulssin Guest

    Brook wrote:
    I agree. And, since I group and raid a lot, I don't think a revamp is necessary either. What I said was that "many people" have asked to have it revamped to be solo/duo friendly. Didn't say that I did. ;)

    Slow down there turbo.. XD
  7. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

    Zabe wrote:
    If you want solo content at this level range, I suggest the Feerrott and Steamfont Mountains, followed by the beach quests in Sinking Sands.
    If you are grouping, Everfrost and Lavastorm are fun zones. But they are not solo friendly.
    To help you find soloable content, take a look at EQ2i's Solo Quests Timeline. Go, right now, and BOOKMARK IT! EQ2i is the single most useful reference for Everquest.
  8. ARCHIVED-Yodaya Guest

    Both Lavastorm and Everfrost are old original zones when the main focus of the game was to support group content.
    These zones really need a revamp to introduce more solo content.
    For you to hunt in T5 solo, you can either goto Feerott or Steamfont as another have already mentioned. Also, Sinking Sands are not bad, once you hit 42 or 43, you can start SS shore and croc caves, they are fun.
  9. ARCHIVED-Brook Guest

    Heh, sry... to much coffee ;-)
  10. ARCHIVED-melanie66 Guest

    The only time I go to EF or LS is to do city writs and a bit of gathering. I'd like to do Permafrost or Sol Ro, but it seems like I can never find a group when I have time to go. Everyone on my server knows when I need to log off and *then* they form groups for these dungeons.

    No, really.
  11. ARCHIVED-hortefoutre Guest

    Zabe wrote:
    It Is really content waste.

    The worst is that city order still send you there. Indeed city order monster come in non heroic versions but those a rare and to be
    carefully pulled in a ^^free square meter.

    Revamp is necessarly, either up making it either a real outdoor group zone (which mean rewards and harder monsters)
    or a challenging solo zone (turn ^^^into ^^) or a normal solo zone.

    I enjoy steamfront but find it non challenging (unless you go for red monsters)
    everforst/lava are too hards.

    There must be a way to design a zone with challenge in which you can still kill things.
  12. ARCHIVED-Brook Guest

    Haha Melanie, I know just what your saying about others timing things right as your logging off.

    What your describing is one of the things I like about the zone, you HAVE to be careful and mind your surroundings.
    You can still kill things in the zone for writs, and yea if you pull something the wrong way you will have problems, but dieing really has no penalty now so its not that bad.

    As for the loot, well I won't disagree, but all the old world zones seem to be lacking there, including instanced dungeons.

    Steamfont... well while there are plenty of quest to do, your right, it does lack in the challenge department, I really don't go there as there really is nothing that strikes me as fun in that zone. Only thing I really like about it is that it links to some other zones that I do find entertaining.

    I have the same problem with the ROK expansion, yea there are plenty of solo mobs around, just like Steamfont, a few heroics here and there, and at first when I saw how hard the mobs hit and acted more like the class they are I was excited. That excitement passed very quickly with grinding quest in certain order, and having to build faction for this and that, and because this is how it is I will never make it to 80, but thats by my choice. Now I roll alts, do some quest in TD , hit the old zones quest and grind my way to upper 60's and start over.

    Different people have different playstyles.
  13. ARCHIVED-BlakkMantis Guest

    It's kinda funny you just made this thread at about the same time someone else here made a thread about now that the game is 4 years old, what were your favorite noob memories of the game. Because most of us posted how nasty Nek Forest used to be, and how easy they have made it now. Going to Everfrost or Lavastorm gives you a taste of much of what the original EQ2 was like. Even Antonica and the Commonlands had a bunch of ^^^ aggro once. Lavastorm and Everfrost just didn't get dumbed down like the other "old" zones did. Just not yet anyways. There is rumors flying around that these zones could be getting a revamp here soon. The rumor is the new expansion coming out next has some new instances that are going to be added into these zones, and a revamp might be part of it also.

    Your right though. These zones have been basically dead for quite a while now, mostly just being used for writs and by higher levels harvesting and/or finishing old quests. Kinda sad actually if you ask me.
  14. ARCHIVED-Clova Guest

    "Because most of us posted how nasty Nek Forest used to be, and how easy they have made it now"

    Holy crudola i remember it was impossible to get ANYTHING done in thee without an escort. Back in 2005 before i quit and when my fury was around 28, i kept dying trying to get the water form the pond back ot the Dark elf dude cause EVERYTHING got on my rear. Now, today, at the same level, I did it with 3 min to spare on my own. I can actually MOVE around the forest on my own. im so glad they made it a bit more solo friendly. Granted, havinjg ^^^mobs would be great when i do stuff with my guild, just not when im trying to get from point A to point B within 10 minutes and when im soloing just cause i want to
  15. ARCHIVED-BlakkMantis Guest

    Clova wrote:
    Yeah I can agree, to a point anyway. It used to be you weren't even safe on the road from CL to the docks. And that is probably should have gotten tamed down a little bit. But not turn the zone into the wimpy one it is now. It's when you got risk involved, and the short hairs stand up on the back of your neck that give you moments you'll never forget in these games. Not uneventful no risk trips back and forth thro a zone. I would have liked to see a happy medium there instead. Add some more ^^^ aggro to make it interesting.
  16. ARCHIVED-Yodaya Guest

    Dying in Lavastorm and Everfrost sucks too. Yesterday, I went to Everfrost to get to the shrine to finish my Words of Pure Magic quest and there were some nasty aggro mobs around the shrine, when they killed me I was sent back to the docks which was like 20 mins walk for me. I simply got frustrated and went back to Qeynos. I will be visiting to complete the quest when the zone greyed out. It is sad to see such a beautifully done zone gets wasted.
  17. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

  18. ARCHIVED-Sassinak Guest

    Join what group? Groups don't use this zone. And why would they? Dungeons are where the group rewards are at.

    IMO this zone needs a revamp to be non-heroic, and this would actually get more groups to use the heroic content in Permafrost.
  19. ARCHIVED-Ohiv Guest

    The content isn't "wasted" it was used for a very long time before the level increases. It is an outdoor dungeon, there is nothing wrong with it as it is. Granted alot of groups don't go there, then again anything that takes longer then 20 minuites most groups don't want to do.
  20. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

    The thing to remember is that not all content is for everyone. A great many of us will never see the hardest raid content - but we wouldn't be suggesting that the T8 raid zones be made soloable, either.

    As long as there are alternatives for play at every level, I think it's perfectly fine to have some harder zones that REQUIRE a group to do.

    Because of the heritage quests in LS and EF, if you want to you can always get a group for these zones working on the HQs. I would love to see the Prismatic questline improved a bit.