Ethereal ring rewarded from: Scrolls of the Mortal champion

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by voxz, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. voxz New Member

    I worked very hard for this collection including time/currency and after today's patch SoE screwed me over. As a conjuror I had to choose the priest version of the ring because the mage version of the ring was very bad. The mage version ring back then only had 240ish ability mod and if i remember right, it had no casting skills at all. After the patch today SoE fixed it and the mage version ring has 490 ability mod with 35 casting skills and they unattuned the rings for us whoever have finished the collection and got rewarded before this patch. That is unfair, instead of unattune the ring, please take the damn ring back, give us a choice so we can choose the right proper version of the ring for the right class. Now I am stuck with a priest version of the ring which has less ability mod and no casting skills. Please do something.
  2. Hoosierdaddy Active Member

    I'm sure the right GM will assist you in the matter. Back in KoS, I accidentally chose the Ghostly Buckler of Bylze during the Claymore line for my Guardian (back when Guardians used bucklers :confused:). After realizing that it was only equippable by priests, I petitioned and a GM replaced the buckler with the Kite Shield version (or Tower, I can't remember).

    Anyhow, long story short, you'll probably get more help in-game than on these forums. If one GM says he/she can't do anything about it, petition again. Apparently, interpretations of their powers vary greatly between GM's, depending on the one with whom you communicate. it may also have something to do with inclination and willingness on their parts. ;)

    Just be cool and polite about it and explain it calmly and in a way that doesn't make it seems like SOE and all of its employees suck and you should be fine. Something about catching more flies with honey than vinegar. :p
  3. BobLoblaw New Member

    Does anyone have a screenshot of the *new* mage ring? I would like to see it so that I know whether to petition for it or not.

    Edit: Nm, found it at And thanks Kander!
  4. Kander Developer

    I've contacted CS and asked that they assist with these. Please file a ticket.
  5. latetoclass New Member

    Is it intended that the scout ring does not stack with: Eliptic of Planar Scrutiny?
  6. voxz New Member

    Yerp, got it done yesterday. Thanks for the help!