equipmentslot_list.item.setbonus_list type?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Surgeon, Jul 7, 2015.

  1. Surgeon Active Member

    As some might know I'm using a static typed language on the server side.
    Now there are tools to convert json to a Go struct, but as with anything generic it's not 100% accurate.

    My query is the full character data that you receive by searching for character name + world.

    And there are a bunch of lists, however in this result equipmentslot_list.item.setbonus_list is [] so it's unguessable and creates a []interface{} type (or void*[] more/less).

    Does anyone have a character that has anything in there
    what does the struct look like?
    (and why isn't all this documented?)
  2. Feldon Well-Known Member

    I've documented a fair amount of this stuff, but we've now been through three versions of the forums so it's hard to find things. :(

    Here is an item that is part of a set bonus -- Symphonic Mantle. The relevant data:

    <setbonus requireditems="2" effect="Applies Focus: Intoxicating Notes." descriptiontag_1="Improves the damage of Intoxicating Notes by 15%." descriptiontag_2="Adds an additional 2% to the trigger chance of Intoxicating Notes."/>
    <setbonus requireditems="4" basemodifier="8" effect="Applies Focus: Perfection of the Maestro II." descriptiontag_1="Increases the reuse speed of Perfection of the Maestro II by 25%"/>
    <setbonus requireditems="6" basemodifier="8"/>
    <setbonus_info displayname="Symphonic Set" id="1159151918" desc=""/>
    To find other items in that set, we have to find other items with a that equals 1159151918...

    <item displayname="Symphonic Leggings" id="1409922087"/>
    <item displayname="Symphonic Gloves" id="2666019657"/>
    <item displayname="Symphonic Mantle" id="1506632077"/>
    <item displayname="Symphonic Bracers" id="1822053704"/>
    <item displayname="Symphonic Chestplate" id="428438303"/>
    <item displayname="Symphonic Boots" id="2417564985"/>
    <item displayname="Symphonic Coif" id="3143571927"/>

    One piece of advice... I will say that trying to read item data off a character record is... inadvisable. You are better to separately read the character and the items and only use the character "equipmentslot" data to determine adornments, reforging, refining, and experimentation.
    Surgeon likes this.
  3. Surgeon Active Member

    Ok thanks Feldon.
    I think I will just skip items and go with stats and link to your site for details

    How do you determine the AA number?
    tssomethingsomething was 388
    and totalsomething was 345
    but this char has 350 and 350 spent

    never mind, it's under Type.

    Oh and I guess the character's face is somewhere else?

    type CharacterInfoShort struct {
        CharacterList []struct {
            Secondarytradeskills struct {
                Tinkering struct {
                    Totalvalue int `json:"totalvalue"`
                } `json:"tinkering"`
                Adorning struct {
                    Totalvalue int `json:"totalvalue"`
                } `json:"adorning"`
            } `json:"secondarytradeskills"`
            Stats struct {
                Sta struct {
                    Base      int `json:"base"`
                    Effective int `json:"effective"`
                } `json:"sta"`
                Power struct {
                    Max  int `json:"max"`
                    Regen int `json:"regen"`
                } `json:"power"`
                Wis struct {
                    Base      int `json:"base"`
                    Effective int `json:"effective"`
                } `json:"wis"`
                Int struct {
                    Base      int `json:"base"`
                    Effective int `json:"effective"`
                } `json:"int"`
                Health struct {
                    Max  int `json:"max"`
                    Regen int `json:"regen"`
                } `json:"health"`
                Str struct {
                    Base      int `json:"base"`
                    Effective int `json:"effective"`
                } `json:"str"`
                Agi struct {
                    Base      int `json:"base"`
                    Effective int `json:"effective"`
                } `json:"agi"`
            } `json:"stats"`
            LastUpdate float64 `json:"last_update"`
            Resists    struct {
                Noxious struct {
                    Base      int `json:"base"`
                    Effective int `json:"effective"`
                } `json:"noxious"`
                Arcane struct {
                    Base      int `json:"base"`
                    Effective int `json:"effective"`
                } `json:"arcane"`
                Elemental struct {
                    Base      int `json:"base"`
                    Effective int `json:"effective"`
                } `json:"elemental"`
                Physical struct {
                    Base      int `json:"base"`
                    Effective int `json:"effective"`
                } `json:"physical"`
            } `json:"resists"`
            Type struct {
                AaLevel int    `json:"aa_level"`
                Level  int    `json:"level"`
                Gender  string `json:"gender"`
                Race    string `json:"race"`
                Deity  string `json:"deity"`
                Class  string `json:"class"`
            } `json:"type"`
            Bio          string `json:"bio"`
            Locationdata struct {
                World string `json:"world"`
            } `json:"locationdata"`
            Name struct {
                FirstLower string `json:"first_lower"`
                First      string `json:"first"`
            } `json:"name"`
            Guild struct {
                Name string `json:"name"`
            } `json:"guild"`
            ID int64 `json:"id"`
        } `json:"character_list"`
        Returned int `json:"returned"`
        Limit    int `json:"limit"`
  4. Feldon Well-Known Member

    Character headshot?

    Character paperdoll?

    As far as displaying items, although they will not show Reforging, Refining, or Experimenting, you are welcome to use item popup code from EQ2U. Just add this to your website after jQuery has loaded:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    Anywhere that you link to EQ2U items will render a popup.