EQ2Furniture now has collection and rug data

Discussion in 'Fan Site News and Announcements' started by Lera, May 8, 2013.

  1. Lera Well-Known Member

    Furniture that comes from collections now includes a list of the items in the collection and where they're from, all in one place.

    By decorator request, all the rugs (except three) have been tagged as to whether they're solid on both sides and visible or not from below. If anyone has the three missing rugs (a halasian rug, Discord Champion's Golden Rug, and Draconic Leadership Runner, please let me know.
    Audleigh, Teakken and Calthine like this.
  2. Karrane Well-Known Member

    My Discord Champion's Golden Rug is solid on both sides. I can stand on it in the air. It's visible from below,.
  3. Teakken Member

    Very nice to have this complete list of all the rugs! It makes searching for rugs to use as "trap doors/one-way pass-throughs" much easier. One request... if possible, could you make the list searchable by the characteristics of being solid and visible? (e.g. if I want to display only rugs that are Solid on top, Not Solid on bottom, and Visible on bottom.)
  4. Lera Well-Known Member

    I could do that. Which would be more useful, searching by one of the three characteristics, or searching by all three?