eq2bruisers.com - coming soon!

Discussion in 'Bruiser' started by ARCHIVED-ChimaeraX, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-ChimaeraX Guest

    Hey guys,

    I am currently developing a site dedicated to the Bruiser in EQ2. It is ugly and very much "under construction" right now, but in the next few days I should have most areas up.

    Currently the front page (dont let it scare you away hehe, its just a place holder right now) and the message board are active.

    I'm hoping this site can be a valuable resource for all Bruisers.

    12 Barbarian Brawler, Freeport
    Lords of Chaos
  2. ARCHIVED-ChimaeraX Guest


    12 Barbarian Brawler, Freeport
    Lords of Chaos
  3. ARCHIVED-avvy Guest

    hope to see this site devleop so the bruiser community has a wonderful resource, keep on workin at it ;]
  4. ARCHIVED-industrock Guest

    great! i cant wait for this to come up.
  5. ARCHIVED-ChimaeraX Guest

    Check it out now. Lots of changes and more stuff coming in the next few days. Add your comments and let me know what you think!
  6. ARCHIVED-psubullet Guest

    good idea. Bruisers are the pimps of EQ2. You don't pay up? eye gouge. :)
  7. ARCHIVED-=Jebu= Guest

    Bookmarked and will contribute as much as I can as I discover mroe about the class
  8. ARCHIVED-chivasc Guest

    I been to the site...its coming along nicely