EQ Movie Poster Contest!! - Kithicor.ORG

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by ARCHIVED-Jethal_EqRangers, May 1, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jethal_EqRangers Guest

    We're getting some good submissions to the contest.. don't give up now! that 90day pre-paid card could be yours!!
  2. ARCHIVED-kyrrah Guest

    I guess I'll post mine too.
  3. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

  4. ARCHIVED-Jethal_EqRangers Guest

    Sigrdrifa@Lucan DLere wrote:
    They're all looking nice so far.. it's gonna be hard to choose, seriously
  5. ARCHIVED-Jethal_EqRangers Guest

  6. ARCHIVED-Jethal_EqRangers Guest

  7. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

    Hey Jethal, mind swapping mine for one I threw up on here? (Didn't mean for that blasted iksar statue to end up so durned green~toned it down when I posted it here).
    Btw that Consumed one is pretty neat, with the void monster - elf mesh up hehe
  8. ARCHIVED-Jethal_EqRangers Guest

    Katanallama@Mistmoore wrote:
    OK, I swapped out your revized pic
  9. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

  10. ARCHIVED-Jethal_EqRangers Guest

    4 DAYS LEFT!!
    Who will walk away with 90 days of game play for free?? IT COULD BE YOU!!
  11. ARCHIVED-Jethal_EqRangers Guest

    TWO DAYS LEFT!! Have you submitted your entry? NO??? WHAT THE FRAK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!??
  12. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

    Jethal@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Obviously they saw my entry and knew they didn't stand a chance!
  13. ARCHIVED-RhyssaFireheart Guest

    /slides in kicking up dust and gravel!
    Did I make it in time? I kept meaning to send off my entry and kept putting it off for dumb reasons, so now I'm trying to beat the clock here.

    Oh crap! I just realized it was in PNG format instead of JPG (bah, was saving files as PNGs last time for transparency, forgot to change it). I can send a new copy if need be (since I also emailed my entry in), sorry about that.
  14. ARCHIVED-Jethal_EqRangers Guest

    OK - thank you all for your submissions!
    Contest is NOW OVER
    I'll be posting the winners before my show on Tuesday
  15. ARCHIVED-Beckah Guest

    Great entries! Good luck everyone! :D
  16. ARCHIVED-Jethal_EqRangers Guest

    Grats everyone! I have posted the winners in the first part of this thread
  17. ARCHIVED-Aerfen Guest

    Grats to all, but super grats to Drifa!!! Woooot!
  18. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

    I love the PieRats!
  19. ARCHIVED-Beckah Guest

    Congrats to the winners! :D
  20. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

    Congrats winners!