epic 2.0 weapons need to remove prestiage tag

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Xavion, Jan 29, 2017.

  1. Yoube Active Member

    Caith on the rampage... lookout Norrath :p
  2. Tsurupettan Active Member

    Upgrade in order. The difference here between the ascension spells and these is that every tier is available to craft, and it isn't missing some of them. Still a bit silly that not every spell tier has a scroll for ascensions.
  3. -Soteria- Well-Known Member

    As long as every spell tier is available through gameplay with a reasonable drop rate on the lower tiers at least, then it's not a big deal.

    If it's like Ascensions where the journeyman is super rare but the grandmasters drop like confetti... that's wallet bait and it's objectively shady. Considering the spell discoveries so far are ancient first, then master, but no one seems to have gotten any journeyman, adept or experts so far...
  4. Tsurupettan Active Member

  5. Zeddicious Well-Known Member

    Your irony in chastising someone for using a curse word while using the word "totes" is not lost on me. I had a sensible chuckle.
    Snikkety likes this.
  6. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Disappointed in the plan to remove the Prestige tag. In my opinion free accounts shouldn't have access to the best of the best. There should be an incentive to support the game.
    Dude, Snikkety, Entropy and 1 other person like this.
  7. Conifur Well-Known Member

    There already is incentive to support the game and those who sub get better benefits from the game. However, the key part of this expansion was the Epic - a tag on it that forbids those who do not sub from using it is wrong. This is not an GU that we get for "free" that puts in zones only those who sub can get, this is part of the paid expansion - they paid for it when they paid for the expansion. They supported the game when they paid for the expansion.
  8. Conifur Well-Known Member

    Went right over my head I guess. Clue us uninformed in :)
  9. Tajar Well-Known Member

    'Totes' is slang, not cussing :p
  10. Zeddicious Well-Known Member

    ...how many rational adult humans do you know that use the word "totes" in a sentence? Barf me out, that's like gag me with a spoon grody to the max, yo..
    Caith and Snikkety like this.
  11. Pitta Active Member

    Everquest 2, where its taken as a problem when a moderator of the forums tells us to follow the EULA guidelines, and then gets trolled because he used a slang word in the next sentence. On a forums thread. About a video game.

    I see his point. Grow up.
    Zeddicious likes this.
  12. Conifur Well-Known Member

    I was just talking to someone yesterday about all those, I just was wondering if it had some new meaning.
  13. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    Everything is part of a paid expansion, at some point. FTP should have even more restrictions IMO. You dont get cheaper entertainment then this lol
    Earar and DoomDrake like this.
  14. Revanu Well-Known Member

    gofundme - elementalist
  15. ratfink New Member

    Removing the prestige tag from some epics still will not make them useable for FTP toons. The reason is they will be blocked from obtaining them because the updates that are required to obtain it are in Fabled zones that only members have access too anyways. At least this is true for healers.
    Snikkety likes this.