EoF ranger aa's?

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-jrisley69, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jay42 Guest

    PMs -> email -> :D
  2. ARCHIVED-xandez Guest

    the NDA hasnt been lifted yet?
    hmm they prolly need more preorders ;) heh
    seriously, anxious to see the new subclass AA:s.... has much potential imo, hope they make it good :D
  3. ARCHIVED-Teksun Guest

    LOL, We'll get some really neat tricks, but the Assassin will get double attack speeds and double DPS... maybe even a real stealth ;)
  4. ARCHIVED-xandez Guest

    rah... well good for em i guess ;)

    (maybe i'll betray my other ranja for assasin then :p)

  5. ARCHIVED-Demlar Guest

    No, the NDA hasn't been lifted yet. It probably won't till the beginning of November, I think it's usually about 2 weeks before release that they lift it. I've seen our aa list as well (no, I'm not in beta either) and I agree with Jay. It looks like we should have some nice skills coming to us.
  6. ARCHIVED-Vifarc Guest

    No joking, I hope I'll have more AAs for tanking.
    I love my Intercepting Blades and Prowler's Cunning (and Blade Opening and Pointblank Shot).
    Yep they have no use in raid, but i prefer free grouping, where we must do with what class we have (or what class we have not!).
  7. ARCHIVED-Xenon Crimson Guest

    Wonder is they are going to introduce "Whinge of Ranger" for all you whiney bastards to put 8 points into.
  8. ARCHIVED-Gareorn Guest

    FYI, I stumbled across this little tidbit. I found this to be very interesting.

    Moorgard: AA points

    Published September 14th, 2006 in Developers(t) , Echoes of Faydwer and EQ2(t) .
    [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG](No Ratings Yet)

    The Achievement points you have now stay in your KoS tree. If you don’t yet have 50 and earn a new point after EoF launches, you can decide which tree you want to put it in (KoS or EoF).

    If you respec, your points have to stay in the tree to which they were originally assigned. So if you have 50 Achievements now and earn 10 more after EoF launches and respec your trees, you will have 50 to reassign in the KoS tree and 10 for the EoF tree. You can’t swap them between trees.
  9. ARCHIVED-Zholain Guest

    No, but I heard one of our new skills will be called 'Fling of Poo'....a highly valuable skill used to lure away trolls.
  10. ARCHIVED-Prandtl Guest

    I heard this would be one of our EoF AA's....
    Cupid's Arrow
    Causes the target to become enamored with the person in the rangers group or raid that is currently lowest on the targets aggro list
    • Target: Enemy
    • Power: 269
    • Casting: 2 seconds
    • Recast: 15 minutes
    • Range: 2-35 meters
    • Level: 70
    Applies Cupids Lust on Target
    • Target runs to PC lowest on aggro list
    • Roots target for 10 seconds
    • Roots PC for 10 seconds
    • Neither can cast offensive or defensive CA's or autoattack for duration of art
    Upon Termination
    • Target and PC are dazed for 5 seconds
    • Target and PC share cigarette
    • If bow equipped in ranged
    • If stealthed
    It lets rangers share the fun of what was done to us in LU20!
  11. ARCHIVED-Teksun Guest

  12. ARCHIVED-Luag Guest

    I read moorgaurds post with dismay why would they lock an active player out of new content by disallowing use of the EoF AA's if you did all 50 in KoS already? it was rather easy to reach 50, was I supposed to have hoarded them in the expectation of new content? if anyone that matters ever reads these posts please re-examine this notion
  13. ARCHIVED-Mescaline Guest

    I don't think you understand his post at all.

    Everyone will have access to the EoF AAs. Everyone.

    Everyone will be capped at 100 AA points total.

    All Moorgard's post means is that you can't /respec and spend points you originally had in DoF AAs on EoF AAs instead. DoF points must stay in DoF AAs. Any points you earn after EoF is released will be your choice to place where you want.

  14. ARCHIVED-Teksun Guest

    100 points total... 50 per set.

    I don't think you can put all 100 in our current aa line
  15. ARCHIVED-Zholain Guest

    That is how I understand it, as well.
  16. ARCHIVED-Mronin Guest

    Well how it reads to me is that we could potentially put all 100 in the KoS tree but only in the KoS tree. It was stated "The Achievement points you have now stay in your KoS tree. If you don’t yet have 50 and earn a new point after EoF launches, you can decide which tree you want to put it in (KoS or EoF)." Which I take to mean that all post EoF AA points could go into the KoS tree if you wanted to, assuming you don't yet have all 50 KoS AA points spent or not. The caveat to that being if you did put all 100 in the KoS tree you would be locked out of the EoF tree. Now if you're currently at 50 AA it would seem that yes you are indeed limited to only spending those post EoF AA points in the EoF tree.
  17. ARCHIVED-TerriBlades Guest

    There is a very detailed post somewhere that covered just about every possible situation on how you could spend your points. What it eventually comes down to is, 50 AA in the KoS tree and 50 AA in the EoF tree. If you have unspent AA before EoF is released they can only be spent in the KoS tree, so use them. You cant put 100 AA into EoF that was clearly stated.
  18. ARCHIVED-Mronin Guest

    Yeah I was trying to find that post before I posted but I remember getting a headache trying to read all the possible ways to spend the points. And yes I failed to mention that all AA points you have now will remain in the KoS tree wether you've spent them or not.
  19. ARCHIVED-Zholain Guest

    I can't take time to find the post now, but Moorgard clearly stated in one of the AA threads that there would be 50 maximum points assigned in the KoS tree, and 50 maximum points assigned in the EoF tree. They are essentially two separate systems and merging of the points has been disallowed in the code.
  20. ARCHIVED-Mronin Guest

    Ah ok, come to think of it that would make more sense from a fairness/balance standpoint. I don't really care one way or the other to be honest. I'm just itching to see exactly what they have in store for us.