EoF AA Benefits

Discussion in 'Warden' started by ARCHIVED-Stormcrest, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Stormcrest Guest

    Well, I see more issues after spending my afternoon chatting it up with you guys.

    • Melee DPS needs a lift in either raw damage or recast to keep Wardens in their appropriate DPS tier. At the top with Furies.
    • Tunare's Watch needs a massive upgrade so that at least the enhance line can show an enhancement
    • Your Warden of the Forest line needs to have STR included for the melee DPS, or else they need to shift the melee CA's to INT for damage purposes so Wardens are not penalized for a respec to need to completely re-gear to a fighter that needs resists
    • I need to feel like a Fury, I do after seeing our fellow Druids' respond to us finally getting a root (JOKE)
    • Nature's Ally needs a DPS increase, change it from a single target to a AoE that distributes amongst the target group a better amount of damage than it currently does.
    • Increase the elemental ward line to make it a mainstay and not an ocassional use
    • Look up my other posts to see my Warden ideas
  2. ARCHIVED-Sylphier Guest

    I suggested changing the AGI / WIS on benediction of the wild to STR / WIS on the beta forums. It would be a lot more useful that way imo, agi is kind of worthless and extra str could help out the melee wardens (if they decide to improve the ca AAs.)
  3. ARCHIVED-Gwen Guest

    I like the idea of changing AGI/WIS Buff to STR/WIS Buff, so ... also change Spirit pf the Bat to STR :p
  4. ARCHIVED-KeoswarII Guest

    I agree that if Wardens get more options to melee, we need some changes.
    The STR Buff would be one of it.
    In my opinion the devs could change several small things and the whole melee CA will make more sense.

    1. STR Buff
    Either change the AGI/WIS Buff to STR/WIS as allready proposed or give us a new STR Buff line (after all Furies got a root to support their Nuke role, why wardens should not get an additional STR Buff).
    This would give benefits for the melee wardens and also would be more usefull for Raids.

    2. Change our Root Spell
    If Wardens are defined as melee druids, I propose change the root spell a little bit.
    Otherwise the root line becomes nearly useless for melee wardens.
    Remove the snare component from the root and add a melee debuff instead (which should not only kick in after the root but during root time and some time thereafter like now the snare)

    3. Add a recast reduction component for higher ranks of the melee CA

    I think with these three changes the melee line will make much more sense and a viable option. These things should not be very difficult to change and I don't think they are unbalancing.