Elegant blade?

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Haddad, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Haddad Guest

    I bought an App4 version of this ability last night. The description states "A stealth attack that deals great damage. It can only be used while in stealth".
    After I scribed it I tried in on a fallen orc by FP docks. It hit for 83 dmg, then again for 22.
    I don't see this ability on any spell / ability list, unless I missed it.
  2. ARCHIVED-Xeryna Guest

    I'm fairly sure some of the App 4 scrolls are bugged. What is the skill listed on it? I have seen several ranger scrolls that I could have scribed (Archery skill), but didn't try it out. That sounds like it could be any of the scout classes really, but I can't find it in any lists either.
  3. ARCHIVED-Haddad Guest

    The skill is recon.
  4. ARCHIVED-Ghost_ Guest

    recon is the base scout skill. This sounds like an upgraded Ambush is the required skill 35 and mastery 70?