Elduren's Tinkerer's Isle {Video Tour}

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Febrith, Jan 19, 2017.

  1. Febrith Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone, get ready to have your mind blown! This is Elduren's Tinkerer's Isle in South Freeport on the Thurgadin server and was decorated by him. I'm sure you will have seen his past amazing homes as he's well-known for his puzzle houses. I know you'll enjoy this one:)

  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    The Rum Cellar Scaffold is from the Marketplace, apparently inspired by that recent zone. I got one myself for a Water World/Mad Max kind of thing I did for a Niboota challenge. :)

    And yeah, Elduren's stuff is just, wow. I've visited like half a dozen of his places, and actually won the grand prize a few times for solving his riddles/puzzles/"scavenger hunts"/mysteries to solve houses. :)

    If you want to get in on the puzzle stuff, be sure to listen to the house actors and read all the books and signs! :)
